By Cécile Adonias
Dahess initially made his mark on racing with an impressive track record, then on breeding as a leading sire, and above all on everyone who crossed his path with his personality: «The only thing he lacked was speech!» exclaims broker Jean-Pierre Deroubaix, who bought him at the Deauville sales 17 years ago. A very endearing personality that has captured the hearts of all who have known him.
Dahess did not start his racing career until he was 4 years old, an injury in training the previous season preventing him from hitting the track at 3. Gifted but temperamental, «he would stop in a few strides after the post. One, two, three and it was done,» explains Eric Ventrou, Alban de Mieulle’s assistant at the time and the horse’s work rider. «It’s thanks to him and all his entourage that I was able to travel and meet so many people,» he continues. «He was very gifted, bordering on insolence. He loved racing and was always happy to go. He was very nonchalant in his behaviour.» Crowned best Purebred Arabian in 2007 by the IFAHR, he has a record to dream of: no less than 28 victories in five different countries, over all distances from 1,000 to 3,000m, and no less than 13 Group 1PA victories.
At the age of 8, with an already extensive track record, he nevertheless entered the ARQANA Purebred Arabian sale ring on 6 September 2007. He was lot number 29 and was sold with an entry in Istanbul. Jean-Pierre Deroubaix, manager of Slim Chiboub, brought down the hammer and bought him for €1,050,000. In no time at all, he was on a plane to Turkey. He finished second in the Malazgirt Trophy (Gr.1-PA). On his return, he began his new stallion career at the Haras National de Pompadour. The revolution in Tunisia reshuffled the cards and Sheikh Joaan Bin Hamad Al Thani acquired the beautiful grey.
Dahess became a monument in Purebred Arabian breeding. One of his last foals is Al Mourtajez, a seven-time Group 1PA winner and standing alongside him at Haras de Thouars, also for Al Shaqab Racing. The patriarch who has just passed away is also the grandsire of another seven-time Group 1PA winner, Al Ghadeer, the historic winner of the 2023 Triple Crown and a candidate to repeat the feat in 2024.
A very expressive and particularly endearing horse, Dahess was the «boss» of the stallion barn at Haras de Thouars. He knew where he was being taken, to the paddock or to the breeding shed... However, a simple headcollar was all it took to lead him, even though he never failed to put on a show every time he left his box. Neighing and posing were a must, to mark his territory and his audience!
For all this, his passing will have moved all those who crossed his path. «The Purebred Arabian world owes him a lot. We will still be hearing about him for generations to come in France and around the world, through his victories and his progeny,» says Youmna Mousli, Al Shaqab Racing’s representative in Europe.