La Vision Détré N°2 Novembre 2024 | Page 121

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If horses now have a scanner “ their size “, with a diameter close to a metre , it is thanks to the high percentage of the American population suffering from obesity . The medical care of these people required the creation of these scanners , which could be described as “ high capacity “, which have also been adapted by veterinary clinics . The techniques of coelioscopy or laparoscopy , which allow small cameras to be inserted into the horse ’ s body for minimally invasive surgery , also come from human medicine . For the management of joint rheumatism , on the other hand , the horse is a pioneer ! “ I did my first hyaluronic acid injections in the joints of trotters ten years before it was applied to humans ,“ says Bruno Baup . A treatment designed to “ lubricate “ the joints . “ Equine treatments are precursors for everything related to the use of stem cells and auto-immune material that can be injected into joints or tendons , avoiding the harmful effects of corticosteroids .“ Jean-Marc Betsch points out that in the United States , laboratories are funding equine research on osteoarthritis “ because the horse is a very good model : what works for the equine athlete will work for the human athlete “, the ultimate target market .


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Two of Richard Corveller ’ s students , an associate veterinarian at the Meslay-du-Maine Clinic and Head of the Surgery Department , won on Sunday , October 19 , at Auteuil , including the 4-year-old Kaadam in the Prix Orcada ( Gr3 ). Five days later , another of his students , Hassadam , from his beloved mare Perfect Impulse , won the Prix Emilius , a very good beginners ’ race at Auteuil .
Galorama took this opportunity to ask him about his activities as a breeder , his profession as a veterinarian , and the associated advice ...
Most breeders will say yes , it reduces vet fees . So , that ’ s a strong argument . But clearly , from a technical point of view , being a vet helps , yes , because you see a lot of horses . You are more aware of problems than a breeder , even a very competent one . You can certainly identify pathologies in your horses , especially at the breeding stage , which will be difficult to manage or which will be handicapping for the rest of their career . So , at that level , yes , it ’ s an advantage . Afterwards , it has a drawback , which is that you become a little paranoid . You see problems everywhere and clearly , from time to time , having too much information hinders decision-making .
Yes , and I was lucky enough to meet her since I bought her . So , I have no merit in saying that she was the perfect horse . It was Mr . Tricot who bred a mare called Perfect Impulse . As proof , I ’ m not a big buyer at public sales and as soon as I saw her , I said to myself that it wasn ’ t possible that people wouldn ’ t buy her . Well , thank you to them because I , yes , I saw the perfect horse and was lucky enough to get her and to see her every morning in the fields . She is magnificent . She has zero flaws physically . She was good . She is very well bred . So , congratulations to her breeder . Afterwards , it all depends on what you call perfection . Perfection is winning . No matter the conformation . She really had it all . That is to say , she is by Polyglot out of Aubane , by Cadoudal . The dam was very good . From a physical point of view , there is not necessarily perfection per se , but there are criteria that are still favorable . Today , if in humans , we measure kids at 13-14 years old who have physical criteria , it ’ s because there are plenty of people who have done analyses and have noticed that to play basketball , it ’ s better to be tall . To jump the obstacles at Auteuil , there are plenty of small horses that have won . But if we take a field , for the most part , we still have a morphotype that is roughly the same , that is to say , long-limbed horses , with a bit of a neck , not too heavy ... And the qualities , the courage . I have a lot of admiration for horses . Whether it ’ s