La Vision Détré N°2 Novembre 2024 | Page 108

for the renewal of jump racing in France . We must also ensure that the union with trotting is cemented . I know Jean-Pierre Barjon well , as I came to know him before he took over the reins of trotting . He is not an easy person , but he has put trotting on the right track and it is imperative that the union is sealed by the heads of both associations , and not by the management . It seems to me that in general , the representatives of the State are well-intentioned . You have to talk to them frankly and you have to have substance . Generally speaking , you always end up in better shape by being frank , blunt even , with each other . Sometimes it causes problems , but in the end , you find your way back . As for the PMU , we need to find experts , people who know about betting and gaming , so that it can decisively renew its offer .“
Page 35 At the helm at Auteuil between Edouard de Rothschild and his successor , Frédéric Landon , in the Presidential stand .
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To better adapt to the evolutions of the market and the current racing economy , the Détrés have decided to equip themselves with a breeding and preparation structure that complements training , at home in the Limousin , on lands steeped in history ...
There is an energy in Jacques Détré that not only stands the test of time , but has also been passed on to his children , particularly to the three sons that his wife Marie has given him , all of whom are deeply bitten by the horse bug .
So much so that when these three sons , namely Patrice , Romain and Adrien , start to explain something to you , you get the feeling that Jacques is resting , like a sated Jupiter , while his children noisily organise his world .
“ He has given us carte blanche ,“ explains Romain , an all-round entrepreneur who seems to ignore the notion of a break and thus presents the Haras de la Sélive project , a former farm based on the lands of Baron de Nexon , near Limoges , which housed the horses and mares of the Wertheimer stud during the Occupation . “ Dad only comes from time to time , and the only thing you have to show him then is that the project is going forward .“
And it ’ s growing on all sides . Literally . On the 60 hectares of this stud farm , Adrien is present every day because he is responsible for monitoring and managing the company on a daily basis . Patrice is never far away either , and he enthusiastically details the nature of the soils , the successful cultivation trials , those that are less so , the land use plan and the distribution of the horses that will soon occupy these lush meadows and these old buildings undergoing conversion . He is a dentist and until recently was a gentleman-rider . However , insurance companies don ’ t ensure the hands of dentists who perform stunts on horseback . It was also to be able to devote himself to medicine that Jacques had cut short , fifty years earlier , his career as a gentleman rider after ten races and a 3 rd place at Niort , and a trip to Deauville for the August sales to buy two yearlings at the request of a banker uncle who was hiding his love of racing from his wife . He was alone in this new world , then , and had had to fumble around .
His three sons , on the other hand , were immersed in this racing whirlwind that showed them the dream side , but Professor Détré is not a dreamer . Instead , he keeps his eyes open , and he has endeavoured to show his children all the pitfalls of this sweet madness .
Jacques , like a presiding figure , therefore , monitors the progress of the work , his eye a little more severe than his mind really is . It is not forbidden to think that by watching them do it , he is nurturing his own opinion , and that he sees himself again , at that age , also making plans .
Were his dreams as extravagant as the reality he has experienced ?
Page 36 Large photo : After the victory of Ejland , in April 2018 , with rider Thomas Beaurain , Patrice Détré , trainer Donatien Sourdeau de Beauregard , Adrien , Jacques and Romain Détré , and their friend Jean-Benoît Verspieren .
Below : With François Nicolle , Jacques Détré has rediscovered a strong bond between owner and trainer .
Page 37 Top left : Nicolas de Lageneste and Jacques Détré , as formidable at Auteuil as Brett Sinclair and Danny Wilde in The Persuaders !
Top right : Family photo with a mix of Cyprès and Détré around the great Bipolaire , twice winner of the Prix La Haye Jousselin ( Gr1 ).
Bottom right : Dr Détré at work IRL .