La Vision Détré N°2 Novembre 2024 | Page 101



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For the 2 nd edition of Galorama magazine , we ’ ve decided to spotlight a man who has indelibly shaped French Jumps racing : owner-breeder Jacques Détré . An ophthalmologist by day , this natural-born entrepreneur has united a formidable team around his silks and his myriad ventures to achieve extraordinary success . He ’ s a force to be reckoned with as a jumps owner ( his true passion ), but also on the Flat and in the breeding world . His secret weapon ? Surrounding himself with the right people , a skill he continues to hone alongside his family , who have all been bitten by the racing bug . It seems Dr . Détré won ’ t be treating this particular virus !
Al Capone II ’ s seven victories in the Prix La Haye Jousselin are the stuff of legend , etching his name into Auteuil ’ s history . We ’ ve delved deep to uncover the secrets behind “ Pompon ’ s “ incredible winning streak , concluding that it required the alignment of seven stars — most of which are virtues , thankfully .
Join Céline Gualde as she explores the marvels of modern equine medicine and surgery , revealing how these advancements are helping horses live longer and healthier lives . We ’ ll also unveil the key players who shaped the exciting news in October , a month that always delivers thrills and spills .
And hold on tight , because November promises even more excitement with the Auteuil Jumps weekend galloping towards us !



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“ My main regret with her is not having run the Gold Cup at Ascot after her Grande Course de Haies d ’ Auteuil victory .“ Jacques Détré Page 34
“ Étreham did a great job because the horse was not keen on covering mares and it took a lot of patience .“ Nicolas de Lageneste Page 21
“ [ The goal is ] to get from here to there as fast as possible .” Ryan Moore ( TDN , 17 / 10 / 24 ) Page 24
“ He couldn ’ t have followed his brother to England . They were very different from each other .“ François Doumen Page 44
“ I met the perfect horse and I bought it .“ Richard Corveller Page 82
“ I had booked a table for two at the panoramic restaurant . We ordered and the wine arrived . An hour later , we still had nothing else so ... we left without having lunch ! And the wine was perfect ...“ Jacques Détré Page 66
“ The little boy at the rail couldn ’ t see much then . It was by the cheers of the crowd in the stands that he knew the horses had just jumped the 2 nd last .“ Bernard de Croix Page 68
- “ You train in Lourdes ? - Uh , no ... in Maisons-Laffitte . - Then forget it !“ Sébastien Caure & Yannick Fouin Page 73
“ In this part of the world , it ’ s horsemen who decide . There are other parts of the world where we have had a horse , where the horse trots in front of a phone . The phone videos the trot and the phone tells you whether he is sound or not .“ Aidan O ’ Brien ( Racing Post , 29 / 10 / 24 ), after his horse Jan Brueghel was scratched from the Melbourne Cup by Australian official veterinarians .
“ I think it ’ s a shame just to have two or three people always at the top . For the industry , for the sport , much more than for us , I hope that we have managed to lift it .” Kiarash Joorabchian ( ITV , 11 / 10 / 24 ) Page 13
“ On Friday evening , I went to Marseille and saw that everyone was taking it lightly .” Lakhdar Trébèche ( Equidia , 27 / 10 / 24 ), regarding the threats to the taxation of horse racing bets .