6‘Ozone: continued 4
• -->>cont: WM Accepted effects: J(AOP):
Some focus on niche markets: i-Competitive in Pulp & paper bleaching(ZeTrac
Valmet - Metso+), ii-Ground remediation by all insitu generation electrochemical
process(Kerfoot Technologies+), or by high pressure pulse mode injection of
Ozone & H 2 O 2 (Applied Process Technologies APTwater HiPOx+), iii--For
Produced & Flowback water at Oil industry(atg UV+), iv--Mini AOP portable
device(Ozo-Pen+), v-For ocean water fishpond, or hot spring baths(Toyo Valve
ピュアキレイザー+), etc Under-explored regularly claimed effects, H(effective in
water oil separation), M(food disinfection), N(food detergent, Ozone/Ultrasonic can
combine to increase effectiveness), R(metal precision, high tech parts washing):
Wafer, semiconductor, LCD(liquid crystal display), photomask parts, ozone
nanobubble infused water is most effective washing fluid in some parts(MKS
Instruments, Nomura nms, Ovivowater +), W(degassing) E(Industrial type cleaner),
S(coagulation, toxin separation)
• Sometimes Disputed effects, A(pipe scale prevention by stifling biological
element), Strong AOP insitu reactive specie mix for drastically reduce or eliminate
chemical blowdown (Ozomax inc, BWT Coolzon, OzoCan+),+), B(corrosion
prevention)(Ozone Elettronica - De Nora+).
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada