6‘Ozone: continued 3
-->cont: WM Accepted effects:
J(AOP:Advanced Oxidation Process waste water treatment etc): organic mater is
decomposed instead of absorbtion type process like filtering which requires another
process (also see 7'UV), Ozone type AOP often involves H 2 O 2 , OH-(Hydroxide ion),
Singlet Oxygen([ 1 O 2 ]: excited state, regular ground state is triplet[ 3 O 2 ]) etc co-
production of Electrolytic related activity which generates OH•(hydroxyl radical), but
there seems to be other multiple ways of OH• production that is not understood/
agreed upon(Silver Bullet Corp, EcoSmarte+).、
AOP is offered by many ozone & electrolyzer providers but still underutilized in many
sectors/nations(Note non-ozone based AOPs are also listed here to give comparison).
Companies' focus on different mechanics: i-Ozone + H 2 O 2 (Trussell Technologies+),
ii-H 2 O 2 + UV(Calgon Carbon Sentinel - Rayox+): can be used for wastewater as well
as drinking water with residual Hydrogen Peroxide to replace chlorine if regulation
allows (also generally no risk for O 3 related Bromate byproducts), iii-Ozone water +
UV (Spartan ULTRAZONE+), iv-Some use all major multiple combo i-iii to maximize
multiple reactive specie production, and can deliver mega size wastewater oxidation
system(Ozonia - Degrémont - SUEZ, TrojanUV+), v-Nanobubble Ozone increases
effect when organic material attaches to negative electron of finebubble
surface(Sumitomo Seimitsu Kogyo+), vi-Some combine with Hydrodynamic
cavitation(Ozomax inc+), Others combine cavitation from Ultrasonic & Hydrodynamic
to further significantly augment effect for high flow AOP(OZONIX Ecosphere Tech+)