6‘Ozone: continued 5
• Generally WM media Rejected effects, significantly lower cost
version by Ozone use and already major commercial use in some
• F(laundry, detergent as water or process, effective in cold water
use(unless washing load is very dirty[then use lukewarm], Ozone
dissolved type is more effective than direct air ozone injection, Some
still uses reduced small amount of detergent to activate its effect): eg
PureWash, Guardian Manufacturing, Air Trona +): Often plasma type
method is used(can involve UV pulse), co-producing H 2 O 2 , Hydroxyl
Radical etc, some combine other pseudoscientific methods to increase
effectiveness(eg Magnetic water: EcoWasher+), Nanobubble
use(Cwtozone+), Validity confirmation of low cost and effectiveness is
sometimes avoided by WM academic while still appealed as complete
pseudoscience at main media(targeting consumer market), but
amongst scientists and industrial sector this tech is a common sense
and regularly used,
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, Canada