ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE A Simple Agebra of Social Dynamics | Page 4

Accordingly, The social plane (S) (the state, community, family; sections which can again be distributed among the different agents, according to their relevant preferences), is an attractor of meaning for The Elite, The material plane (M) (universe, nature, mankind), has more meaning to The mass The spiritual plane (Sp)(faith/philosophy, religion, conscience) is preferred as an attractor of meaning by The Youth; and The cultural plane (C) is the a plane of activity with more relevance to the sovereign Individual. Therefore it can be correlated to the The Human as a whole, where of course in the capacity as a human every singularity of a social complex will be rediscovered in its corresponding activity. To visualize and understand the macro perspectives of a social dynamics, this constellation will be elaborated in the link below by means of geometrical pictures and simple algebra, with the purpose of highlighting the role of the Youth in a social dynamics and transformation. A simple algebra of a zero-sum-game Just as an introduction here, to visualize the relation, the preferences can be expressed algebraically as functions of social dynamics, in the following way: [Legends: example: S, social, a, Elite; S(a), the social plane as an attractor of meaning for the elite; M(b) for the mass, Sp(c) for the youth and C(d) for the human correspondingly; Harmony(Agency), H(A)] H(A) == S(a) +M(b) + Sp(c) +C(d) Different preferences distributed according to the various sectors in the corresponding four planes, S(a)+M(b) + Sp(c) +C(d) can have detailed parameters. Example: S(a) correlated like; State -to the elite, a; community to the mass, b; family to the youth, c ….etc. for the other planes in a similar distribution, resulting in the total sum as follows: S(a)= a*a +a*b +a*c M(b)=b*b+b*a+b*c Sp(c)=c*c+c*a+c*b C(d)=d*a+d*b+d*c H(A) == a*a+b*b+c*c + 2ab+2ac+2bc+ da+db+dc To READ & visualize MORE see: A simple algebra of a zero-sum-game