ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE A Simple Agebra of Social Dynamics | Page 5
I would like here to indicate that African
underdevelopment is a result of a zero-sum-game in which The Elite has not
managed, all through our century to come to a fundamental national consensus
among itself. A national consensus which was missing all along the social collective,
due to diverse factors – local as well as global factors.
And in particular, in our Ethiopian case today, the Elite is still playing a zero-sum
A zero-sum-game manifested by the laborious and weary game of contradictions,
with every one working against the other to come to a net zero benefit for the social
complex both in the promotion of enlightenment as well as social prosperity i.e.
Social transformation and development.
The game of contradictions, with one excluding the other, eliminating an outcome of
a net-benefit – A zero-sum-game along tradition, basic ethnic instincts, religion,
ideology, and sectional economic interests.
The end-product of a zero-sum-game is equal to zero…”0?.
With The Elite playing against each other up to and including total elimination, from
the function of H(Agency) in the capacity of the Elite (a) what remains for the social
complex is an approximation of a = 0. And be it in its interaction with itself (a*a) or
with the mass (a*b) or with the youth (a*c), the benefit is meaningless as long as it is
demotivated, through the “principle„ of excluding, deconstructing and demoralizing
one another.
I.e. H (Agency) ==a*a (=0) +b*b +c*c +2ab(=0) +2ac(=0) +2bc+da(=0) +db+dc
H(Agency) = H(A) ==b*b+c*c+2bc+db+dc
With this rest constellation it is apparent that The Youth (c), whose attractor of
meaning is of spiritual nature (faith/vision, religion or conscience) plays a crucial role.
Since The Youth is partially a section of The Elite, it has the option either to play the
game of the elite or to disassociate itself from the game of the Elite. If it develops
along its own attractor of meaning, it can determine along what line the social body
would vibrate to bring about a social transformation.