ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE A Simple Agebra of Social Dynamics | Page 3
specific preferences of attractors of meanings and social benefits and interests (
including for ex. education, investments etc. for the future)
D. The Human (d) is the abstraction of the autonomous, sovereign and independent
Individual (i.e. irrespective of their stratum background all those genuinely committed
to the enlightenment of the social body); including the extrapolation of the future or
rather “the crystal image”.
E. The Absolute/ GOD (e) is the abstraction of symmetry control parameters from
„initial conditions of existence” still at work in the reality. “Something“ like the
Absolute, the immanence, that beyond dimension or the “BwO” (Deleuze), the
embodiment of the “consecrated past” in the Virtual embedded in LIFE.
“Life” according to the “Harmony Model” develops along four relevant and significant
planes effecting a wholesome social dynamics encompassing all the human agency:
1. The social Plane
2. The material plane
3. The spiritual plane
4. The cultural plane
The different sections of the human agency have all their own preferences of
attractors of meanings, correlated to and running along the planes of life, from which
they could at best extract a big share of the social benefit or see significant meanings
for their existence.
In short, The Elite is interested in the domination of the social plane i.e. the state,
the community and the family as its constituent sections. The Mass is in its inherent
nature attracted to its own self, (the material plane) to give it all the preference it
owes in order to make its existence and survival meaningful; the material plane
incorporating, mankind, nature and the universe at large.
The Youth with all the vision and joy for life, it may be endowed with or socially
nurtured, the attractor of meaning it would prefer will revolve around the spiritual
plane, with faith/philosophy, religion or conscience as its constituent parts.
And The Human has the undisputed cultural plane as an attractor of meaning.