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A Simple Algebra of Social-Dynamics –
The Role of the Youth
A Simple Algebra of Social-Dynamics – The Role of the Youth
A social collective is populated by different multiplicities of actors, with different
preferences of interests and attractors of meanings.
If all actors are collectively designated as agency, we can call them „The Human
This Agency can be divided ( to make the social analysis and its dynamics as simple
as possible) into three big sections or strata, with the “participation” of two special
agencies, we call “singularities”(cf. Deleuze parlance, multiplicities, assemblage,
singularities etc.) – the Human and the Absolute; partially, these are models of
abstraction, which can only be discerned in their effects in the final analysis of social
Thus, the “Human Agency”, as posited in contrast to the all-encompassing
“Natural Agency“ of Life , consists of :
I. Multiplicities
A. The Elite (a)
B. The mass (b)
C: The Youth (c)
II. Singularities
D. The Human (d)
E. The Absolute (e)/or God to employ a concept of common understanding/
A. The Elite (a) is, in a given social complex, that multiplicity of singularities
/individual subjects, singular in a sense of their indivisibility and objective
sovereignty/, who are privileged, materially, spiritually or socially; due to different
circumstances of historical, cultural or traditional/ patrimonial, or/and educational
significance, resulting in social power emanating out of the given different
backgrounds like military, religion, or family and social status, cumulated in a state
structure of different forms.
B. The Mass (b) is taken as the assemblage /the collection/ of all the underprivileged
strata incorporating more than two third of the whole but enjoying less than a third of
all the benefits a social complex in a populated region (state, nation or more or less
etc.) can afford, whereby the first third goes to the Elite, the second third in the best
case to the Youth, in the worst case to the Elite.
C. The Youth (c) is taken to be a multiplicity of citizens under 40 covering and
permeating the other assemblages ( The Elite and The Mass) but with its own