جزو «بیست و دو» درس آموزشی از کتاب مقدّس «تاریکی در ظهر» | Page 4
“The silence of Saturday”
• Jesus is silent on Saturday. The women have anointed
his body and placed it in Joseph’s tomb. The cadaver of
Christ is as mute as the stone which guards it. He spoke
much on Friday. He will liberate the slaves of death on
Sunday. But on Saturday, Jesus is silent.
• So is God. He made himself heard on Friday. He tore
the curtains of the temple, opened the graves of the
dead, rocked the earth, blocked the sun of the sky, and
sacrificed the Son of Heaven. Earth heard much of God
on Friday.
• Nothing on Saturday. Jesus is silent. God is
silent. Saturday is silent.
(Max Lucado 2013)