միայն Թիֆլիսի շինությունների կառուցումը , բիզնես գործունեությունը , առևտուրը , այլ նաև այնպիսի նախագծեր , ինչպիսիք են դպրոցների , ուսումնական հաստատությունների բացումը , և պատահական չէ , որ շատ շենքեր կրում էին նրա անունը : Թիֆլիսում նրա հովանավորությամբ է կազմակերպվել և ստեղծվել առաջին հեռախոսային կապը :
Առևտրային աշխարհում գրանցած հաջողություններին զուգընթաց նա երբեք չմոռացավ բարեգործության մասին : Արդեն 1869 թ-ին նա պաշտոնապես կատարում է առաջին նվիրատվությունը : Երբ Մանչեսթերի ընդամենը 30 հոգուց բաղկացած զուտ առևտրատնտեսական հայ համայնքը որոշում է մատուռ կառուցել , Մանթաշյանցը ոմն Հովսեփովի հետ տրամադրում է 40 ֆունտ ստերլինգ : ever , lived very modestly . The only jewelry he wore was a fresh flower on his shirt pocket . He would have 5-ruble gold in his pocket to give away to the poor waiting for him outside . He moved around on foot or took a tram . He took a chariot on rare occasions . When he saw the primate of the Armenian Diocese of Georgia and Imereti take an ordinary chariot during official visits , he presented a luxurious twohorse carriage to the Presbytery .
The buildings of Tiflis , built by Mantashyants have a historical value and significance . He made a great contribution to the construction of the city . His name is not only associated with the construction of Tiflis buildings , business activities , trade , but also with such projects as the opening of schools , educational institutions , and it is no coincidence that many buildings bear his name . The first telephone connection was installed under his sponsorship . Along with the success achieved in the trading world , he never forgot about charity . Already in 1869 , he officially made the first donation . When the Manchester Trade and Economic Armenian Community , consisting of only 30 people , decided to build a chapel , Mantashyants together with Hovsepov , provided 40 pounds . He implemented public works for the benefit of the nation through the Tiflis National Charitable Society . Until 1895 , he was the Vice President of the Society , then the Honorary President for life . It is difficult to present his benevolences one by one , especially when the majority of them remained unknown at his will . Alexander Mantashyants had great respect for the Catholicos of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and the spiritual class . In March 1903 , the Catholicos Father Khrimyan arrived in Tiflis , but on those days , Mantashyants was ill . The Catholicos decided to personally visit the great philanthropist , and such tribute had deeply moved Mantashyants . As contemporaries write , it was then that Alexander Mantashyants assumed all expenses for the overhaul of the Cathedral of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin . The national philanthropist granted 250 thousand rubles to build the currently standing Patriarchal Residence . Upon Mantashyants ’ proposal and his personal sympathy , Vardapet Komitas was included in the reconstruction committee of the Cathedral . Previously Mantashyants covered Komitas ’ study expenses in Berlin and bought him a piano . His exceptional attitude to Komitas and their close friendship explained his desire to see him in the committee . " If luck had not smiled on me , I would not have gone to the Holy Etchmiadzin and to Germany . If not for my invaluable benefactor Mantashyants , I would have stayed in my homeland , in Kutin . I would end up being a shoemaker , because my uncle Harutyun , who took care of me as an orphan , was a shoemaker , and it is obvious that I would most likely follow his steps " - later wrote Komitas .