Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#3 | Page 74

Стр. 108–114 Шапарина Евгения Владимировна Список источников: 1. Авдѣева Е.А., Масловъ Н.Н. Поваренная книга русской опытной хозяйки. СПб.: Изд. В.И. Губинскаго, 1912. 424 с. 2. Кухня многонационального Петербурга / Сост. С.С. Виноградова, М.Л. Макогонова. СПб.: Государственный музей истории Санкт-Петербурга, 2006. 20 с. 3. Кокорев И.Т. Очерки Москвы сороковых годов. М.: Московский рабочий, 1959. 280 с. 4. Левшинъ В.А. Словарь поваренный, приспѣшничiй, кандиторскiй и  дистиллаторскiй… М.: Въ Университет. Тип. Хр. Ридигера и Хр. Клаудия. Въ 6-и частяхъ. 1795–1797. 5. Молоховецъ Е.И. Подарокъ молодымъ хозяйкамъ или средство къ уменьшенiю расходовъ въ домашнемъ хозяйствѣ. СПб.: Тип. Н.Н. Клобукова, 1901. 1052 с. 6. Новая полная поваренная книга, состоящая изъ 710 правилъ… / Сост. И. Навроцкiй. СПб.: Въ тип. Ив. Глазунова, 1808. 455 c. 7. Образцовая кухня и практическая школа домашняго хозяйства. 3000 рецептовъ, провѣренныхъ практикою / Сост. П.Ф. Симоненко. М.: Тип. И.Д. Сытина, 1892. 687 с. Eugenia V. Shaparina State Tyutchev Memorial estate «Mouranovo» (vill. Mouranovo, Moscow region, Russia); Deputy Director for development; e-mail: [email protected] RESEARCH WORK IN THE FIELD OF THE RUSSIAN NOBLE COOKING OF THE FIRST HALF OF THE XIX CENTURY, RECONSTRUCTIONS OF DINNER PARTIES IN AN ESTATE Last ten years attention to gastronomic tourism has grown up noticeably. This term came to us rather recently but has become usual and understandable for both Russian and foreigner tourist. Without abandoning traditional working with visitors, today museums are interested in realizing of new partner projects aimed to creation of the past century atmosphere. The Museum-Reserve «The Estate «Muranovo» already some years works on the study of economic papers belonged to an owner of the Muranovo estate Leo Engelgardt. This artifact is studied in comparison with culinary rules are known in Russia from the beginning of the XIX century. Special attention is paid to the «New Full Cookbook» published in 1808. Basing on this archival and stock material we form touristic product – ​«Dinner party in an estate». As a result of a reconstruction of dinner menu of a landlord living here at the turn of XVIII–XIX centuries lively atmosphere is created in estate. Thereby visitors can touch the cultural and historical treasures of ages gone by. Science workers, developing and introducing this kind of programs to the daily work, select associate partners are ready to realize requirements of museum ethics. Creation of authentic cultural product is the main task of new museum projects in a field of the gastronomic tourism. This is a vivid example of organization of tourist services programs based on intangible cultural heritage, which has come down to us through the centuries. Keywords: work with a museum source; economic and culinary peculiarities of the XIX century; museum product; organization of visitor’s leisur e, estate space, historical and cultural heritage, the «Muranovo» estate References: 1. Avdeeva E.A., Maslov N.N. Russian Cookbook of experienced hostess. St. Petersburg: Publ. V.I. Gubinskiy, 1912. 424 p. (In Russ.). 2. Cuisine of multinational Petersburg / Comp. S.S. Vinogradova, M.L. Makogonova. St. Petersburg: State Museum of History of St. Petersburg, 2006. 20 p. (In Russ.). 3. Kokorev I.T. Moscow of the 1940s: Essays. Мoscow: Moscow worker, 1959. 280 p. (In Russ.). 4. Levshin V.A. The Dictionary of cookery, baking, confectionary and beverage preparation… Мoscow: Print. House Chr. Ridigera & Chr. Claudia. In 6 in volumes. 1795–1797. (In Russ.). 5. Molokhovetz E.I. A Gift to Young Housewives, or a guide how to reduce the household expenses. St. Petersburg: Print. N.N. Klobukov, 1901. 1052 p. (In Russ.). 6. The new complete cookbook consisting of 710 rules… / Comp. I. Nawrockiy. St. Petersburg: Publ. I. Glazunov, 1808. 455 p. (In Russ.). 7. Exemplary kitchen and practical school of home economy. 3,000 recipes tested through practice / Comp. P.F. Simonenko. Мoscow: Publ. I.D. Sytina, 1892. 687 p. (In Russ.). Шапарина Е.В. Научно-исследовательская работа в  области русской дворянской кулинарии первой половины XIX  века: реконструкция званых усадебных обедов  // Современные проблемы сервиса и  туризма. 2016. Т. 10. № 3. С.  108–114. DOI: 10.12737/21108. Shaparina E.V. Research work in the field of the Russian noble cooking of the first half of the XIX century, reconstructions of dinner parties in an estate. Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges], 2016, vol.10, No.3, pp. 108–114. DOI: 10.12737/21108. Дата поступления статьи: 28 мая 2016 г. Received 28 May 2016 114