Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#1 | Page 15

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма №1/2015 Том 9 5. Deremedved’, E.N. Krymskaja Riv’era: avantjurnye prikljuchenija anglichanok v Tavride [Crimean Riviera: adventure experience Englishwomen in Tauris]. Simferopol’: Sonat, 2008. 208 p. 6. Lopuhina, T. «Pervye» v Krymu. Istoricheskie analogii otnoshenija k Krymu pervogo lica i jelity gosudarstva (v kontekste rekreacionnogo osvoenija Kryma) [The “firsts” in the Crimea. Historical analogies related to the Crimea first person and state elites (in the context of recreational development of the Crimea)] // Ostrov Krym. 1999. №4. P. 12–15. 7. Bragina, T., Vasil’eva, N. Puteshestvie po dvorjanskim imenijam JuBK: Zabytye imena. Kratkij istoricheskij putevoditel’ [Travel gentry estates South Coast: Forgotten names. A brief historical guide]. Simferopol’: Tavrija, 2001. 224 p. 8. Nepomnjashhij, A.A. Zapiski puteshestvennikov i putevoditeli v razvitii istoricheskogo kraevedenija Kryma (poslednjaja tret’ XVІІІ — nachalo XX veka) [Notes of travelers and guides the development of local history of the Crimea (the last third of the XVIII — beginning of XX century)]. K.: In-t ukr. arheografii i istochnikovedenija im. M.S. Grushevskogo NAN Ukrainy. 1999. 212 p. 9. Prohorova, T.A. Krymskie puteshestvija: drevnosti Balaklavy, Hersonesa, Inkermana v opisanii Charl’za Jelliota [Crimean Travel: ancient Balaklava, Chersonese, Inkerman in the description of Charles Elliott] // Uchenye zapiski Tavricheskogo nacional’nogo universiteta im. V.I. Vernadskogo. Serija «Istoricheskie nauki». 2012. T. 25(64). №1. P. 144–160. 10. Kaushliev, G.S. Vklad anglijskih puteshestvennikov v istoriko-kul’turnoe osvoenie Kryma (konec XVIII — nachalo XIX veka) [The contribution of British travelers in the historical and cultural development of the Crimea (the end of XVIII — early XIX century)] // Uchenye zapiski Tavricheskogo nacional’nogo universiteta im. V.I. Vernadskogo. Serija «Istoricheskie nauki». 2010. T.23(62). №1. P. 100–113. 11. Preobrazhensk ij, V.S. Territorial’naja rekreacionnaja sistema kak objekt izuchenija geograficheskih nauk [Territorial recreational system as an object of study Geographical Sciences] // Izvestija AN SSSR. Serija geograficheskaja. 1977. №2. P. 15–23. 12. Lahmann, H. Die wichtigsten Kapitel der natürlichen (physikalisch-diätetischen) Heilweise. Stuttgart: A. Zimmer’s Verlag, 1901. 286 р. 13. Lahmann, H. Das Luftbad als Heil- und Abhärtungsmittel. Stuttgart: A. Zimmer’s Verlag, 1906. 36 р. 14. Afanas’ev, O.E. Pervyj sanatorij-kurort Jugo-Vostochnoj Ukrainy nachala XX veka [First health resort in South-Eastern Ukraine early XX century] // Kraevedenie. — 2012. — Iss. 1. — P. 123–128. 15. Ena V.G., Ena Al.V., Ena An.V. Otkryvateli zemli Krymskoj [Discoverers of the Crimean land]. Simferopol’: Biznes-Inform, 2007. 520 p. 16. Saki — grjazelechenie v Krymu [First health resort in South-Eastern Ukraine early XX century]. http:// saki-poltava.ru/gryaz.php (data obrashhenija: 24.01.2015) [Accessed on January 24, 2015]. 17. Pervyj krest’janskij sanatorij [The first peasant resort]. http://poluostrov-krym.com/goroda/livadiya/ pervy-lrestyasnsky-sanatory.html (data obrashhenija: 24.01.2015) [Accessed on January 24, 2015]. «Ванное здание» старейшего крымского санатория «Саки» в нач. ХХ и в нач. ХХI вв. (Источники: http://www.etoretro.ru/, http://stereochippie.livejournal.com/) 13