Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#1 | Page 14
Афанасьев О. Е.
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Oleg Afanasiev
Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Moscow, Russia
PhD (Dr.Sc. in Geography), Professor, [email protected]
The Crimean peninsula is a tourist gem of the Northern Black Sea, has long earned the nickname "Russian
Riviera". The birth and development of tourism and certain types and forms of tourism services in the
Russian Empire was connected exactly with the Crimea. The problems of the history of the recreation
development of Crimea, development of tourist services and leisure activities are widely revealed in some of
its issues and aspects. But these issues continues to remain relevant, since provide answers to many topical
questions and predict future trends development of the main sector of the regional economy. The purpose
of the publication is generalization of the experience of the tourism and recreation development on
the Crimean peninsula, the selection of stages of its formation, identification of key characteristics and
features of these stages.
Crimea has an inexhaustible reserve of resources for the development of inbound international and domestic
tourism. Southern coast of Crimea ("Crimean Riviera") is a classic example of recreational agglomeration,
which in combination with the Sochi recreational areas could potentially form a polycentric recreational
megaaglomeration "Russian Riviera".
In the process of formation and development of the sphere of tourist services in Crimea are selected,
justified and characterized seven periods: 1) prehistory of the Crimean tourism — until the middle of the
XVIII century; 2) the period of pioneer elite development of the Crimean Riviera — 1782–1830; 3) the period
of focal recreational development in Crimea — 1830–1914; 4) period of the initial stage development
of the Soviet recreation of Crimea — 1917–1940; 5) the period of intensive recreational development
stage of the Soviet Crimea — 1945–1990; 6) Ukrainian period of recreational sphere development of the
Crimea — 1991–2014; 7) the period of specialization in the development of domestic tourism as a part
of Russia. Further state of tourism sector depends on the rate of development of the Russian economy
and welfare of the population of Russia, transport accessibility of the peninsula.
Keywords: periodization of tourism and recreation in the Crimea, the history of tourism in Crimea,
becoming the sphere of recreational services in the Crimea, Crimean Riviera, Russian Riviera
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