Карьера астролога 4 2013 | Page 40


At the same time , they neglected their son ' s inner life and feelings . As a result , he developed a fairly good career , but failed to make his own home . What is more , this person ' s career was ruined during the return of the Lunar Nodes due to family and personal problems .
But if the parents had taken the objectives of the radix Rahu into consideration , the tragedy would probably not have happened . It goes without saying that not only astrological information was necessary , but some efforts made by close relatives as well . These efforts do not need to be exorbitant , as any child imbibes everything happening around him like a sponge . For example , they should have pay attention to their son ' s role-playing with peers ( family , doctor , kitchen , and zoo ) in order to develop skills of listening , apprehension , feeling sorry , having emotions , and emphasizing . Or they could get a pet to look after and take care of . Or research the family history together , making a genealogical tree , collecting photos and facts about ancestors ' lives . At the same time it would have been reasonable to provide the son with some household chores or duties of caring of grandmother . Skills and habits acquired in childhood , new interests according to the top of the Lunar vector could have help the boy to fulfill himself successfully , and a decent career would have emerged naturally provided that Rahu in Cancer is worked thoroughly through .
The second stage of interpreting a child ' s horoscope is studying positions and interaction of planets . Many competent astrologers , guided by the Chaldean Order , concentrate mainly on the Moon ( for a child under three ) and Mercury ( for a child between three and fourteen ). I totally disagree with this . I am convinced that all the Septennaire works from the very babyhood , but planetary accents change depending on the period . So , it is crucial to know specifics of the horoscopal Moon for a child under one , alliance of Mercury and sensory part of Venus joins it at the age of two or three years , Mercury , Venus and Mars are leading planets for a child under six . When the child reaches the age of seven , we should consider Mercury , Venus , Mars and the Sun . We should fully decrypt all the planets of the Septennaire for a child of nine or older .
The Moon undoubtedly plays a leading part in a baby ' s radix . It shows what the baby likes , as well as the most comfortable way for him to adapt to the environment and the kind of care the baby needs .
According to the Moon I define an appropriate family ambiance and those shades of parental love that will allow him or her to be self-confident in adult life and feel the roots of safety that grow from the very babyhood . A baby with the Moon in Aries , for example , needs constant activity , that is why it is necessary to provide such a baby with conditions in which he could move a lot and in a diverse way . It can be a big playpen bed instead of a cradle or a basket , loose non-restraining clothes , obligatory exercises . Parents are recommended to communicate with the child on an intensive emotional tide and express their feelings in a bright , energetic and diverse way . A newborn with the Moon in Virgo is very likely to be sensitive to cleanness of the body and quality of nutrition , a baby with the Moon in Gemini needs a kaleidoscope of impressions , permanent communication with mom and other family members , the adults should talk to the baby all the time and not leave him alone .
The Moon is , of course , important not only in babyhood , but in the subsequent periods of childhood as well . The fact is , other planets will gradually come in liaison with it , but it will not reduce its importance .
For example , in a girl ' s radix the Moon ( Aquarius , the 3rd tower ) forms a square with Saturn ( Scorpio , in asc .). Saturn also is trine conjunction of Venus and Jupiter and sextile the 3rd house cusp which it rules . This is a child with an inner rod and inherent discipline and consciousness . This astrological picture hinted that everything was well with Saturn , and it is only necessary to protect the Aquarius Moon against its influence in order to ensure the girl ' s emotional comfort and fulfillment . That is , it was necessary to saturate the girl ' s life with bright impressions , captivating informational whirl , cultivate originality and uniqueness of the child and let the wind of freedom in her childhood . Instead of all this the parents gripped the girl in the strict vice of Saturn . They grew the girl according to their personal idea of " proper upbringing ": strict discipline , routine , implicit obedience to adults . Under this pressing the girl formed complexes and phobias , poor selfevaluation . Only at the age of 35 she managed to unbrake herself , throw off the burden imposed by parents , love and fulfill herself .
Mercury ( responsible for specifics of mentality in the horoscope ) becomes active not during the period of schooling , but from the very babyhood . By the age of three child ' s brain has already become equal to an adult ' s brain in the quantity of neurons and connections between them , and during school years non-used connections begin to ruin . That is why it is crucial to set the stage of intellectual ability in early childhood and not to miss precious time . Hints given by Mercury will provide invaluable help . According to its position in the radix I tell the parents what methods are recommended