Карьера астролога 2 2012 | Page 22

The material in this article is taken from Bob ’ s soon to be released book , Timing Spiritual Transformation , CHAPTER 3 : PLANETS AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT . This material has been edited and revised to make it fit with the current theme .
We learn many subjects in life . When we study astrology though , it is not just another subject that finds a place in our mental filing system ; it becomes a path in life . Some fields of knowledge are like this , they not only tell us about some aspect of life , they become a context or container for all other experiences .
These fields of knowledge become a spiritual path , or yoga .
Astrology and Yoga .
Astrology is more than a philosophy , perspective , or point of view ; astrology is a way of self development , a spiritual path meant to raise our consciousness . In India we often refer to “ yoga ” as a disciplined activity or way of life that is meant to lead us to union with God . There are many different schools , branches , and types of yoga . It is helpful if we understand astrology as a form of yoga so that we can see how it is helpful in organizing impressions which are totally natural to the human condition .
By our very nature as human beings , we are destined to project beyond our own life in our thinking . The universe and everything in it is teleological , we grow by some grand design at our own unique pace or speed . When we began doing astrology our consciousness was already working beyond the confines of our personal life limitations ; we were driven to see and experience a bigger picture of life ; at least in a vague sense we were looking for something beyond the needs of our own physical life . Our identification had moved from thinking that we were reducible to our physical body to experiencing a wider horizon .
Astrology is a mental discipline , but when considered as a type of yoga we can see how the very process of learning it opens us up to such a larger picture of life . It challenges us to see , not just the world , but also ourselves in an expanded context . Our identity changes , we know that we are more than just our own bodies . We work to find out whom , in fact , we really are . This happens in stages as we come to understand our horoscope and the symbolism of astrology at an ever increasing and more profound level .
As human beings we are prompted to serve something beyond our own limited lives . As astrologers we desire to understand this inner prompting , just as we want to understand everything else in life . In the process of mentally exploring with astrology , other aspects of our personality are stimulated . When this happens we become enthusiastic and want to respond emotionally . Out of our understanding of a larger context of life and feeling of identification with a larger sphere of being , we desire to do something for others ... this is an opening of the will to serve . We wish our behavior to match our understanding and our elevated feelings .
“ God alone is real , and the goal of life is to unite with Him through love .”
- Meher Baba
When we are called to serve , whether we consciously realize it or not , we are being prompted to grow spiritually ; to raise our own consciousness . When we put the needs of anything before our own desires , we break down the boundaries of our limited self ... so , what kinds of things can do this ? ? Love can do this , for one thing . The path of love is one of continually helping us to let go of the false belief that our tiny small self is our Real Self . The love that a mother has for her child , a father for his family , or a citizen of a country for his nation are all examples where we can be prompted to put the needs of something before our own desires . The romantic love between two lovers can cause them to forget their own concerns as they become lost in the feelings of liberation produced by their love for each other . For students of yoga , when this romantic love is directed toward God it is called Bhakti , or the yoga of love .
As students of astrology , we are prompted to think deeply on many subjects as we wish to understand things about life and the nature of existence . This happens as we dig deeper into life ’ s mysteries , as we follow the trail of ideas , as we uncover the meaning of planetary placements in a person ’ s horoscope . As we understand the purpose and meaning of our lives , we disburden ourselves from our narrow selfishness as we are able to understand the relative worth or worthlessness of our desires . In India this form of yoga is called Gyana , or the yoga of knowledge . Astrology is a form of this yoga .
Karma Yoga .
Karma Yoga [ definition ] - The yoga of selfless action ; yoga through the selfless performance of duties .
When we translate our feelings of love of life and our understanding of values into personal behavior we enter the path of action . This is Karma yoga . Service to something larger than one ’ s self is another way of breaking down the limitations of the small self . When you join the life of public service you are deciding to put the interests of the whole unit that you serve , ahead of your own needs . This is a brave act for most people ... If you have had many lifetimes of doing this it is second nature . It is instinctive and automatic for someone to step forward to serve the larger unit when they are on this path for spiritual development . For the Karma yogi , behavior in our daily life is the spiritual practice aimed at bringing us closer to the goal of creation . Through putting the needs of a larger unit ahead of our own small self we get closer to reality ; personal concerns are sacrificed for the needs of the group .