Карьера астролога 2 2012 | Page 23

In one sense , everyone has a temperament for Karma yoga in the spirit that everyone goes through sacrifices in order to grow in consciousness . We all sacrifice for others , for our various groups , and for some ideal or cause . But some people have a special temperament for Karma yoga and this is shown by the circumstances of Saturn in their chart . Elsewhere I have written in detail on the meaning of the signs , houses , and aspects of Saturn to describe how this temperament for service manifests . 1
Necessities are ruled by Saturn ; desires are ruled by Mars . We have certain needs that must be fulfilled in order to sustain life . We have desires , which give us energy , but also create complications which slow our progress down . The path of action , Karma yoga , not only requires us to deal with the principle of limitation ( Saturn ) but also we have to harness and finally raise the vibration of our own personal desires ( Mars ) in order to grow spiritually .
Saturn , Mars and Service .
In order for our lives to progress we have certain requirements or necessities e . g . food , clothing , and shelter . These things are shown by Saturn . We also have things that we want . These things are shown by Mars . The interplay between these two conditions in our chart shows something of how we progress in our spiritual journey . Being able to correctly channel the energy of our desires in a constructive way requires discipline . This discipline or lack of it is shown by the level of functioning of Saturn .
We all have things that we must do , we have things that we must have , and we are faced in life every day with things that must be accomplished .
When we think of Saturn we think of discipline , limitation , structure . Saturn is hard , it is the law of gravity , it is karma . But , Saturn has a special role to play in Karma yoga , as Saturn rules sacrifice . Because Saturn presents us with limitations , we have the task of prioritizing when presented with many courses of action . Because of the limitations of time , money , and energy ; we go through the process of saying no to ourselves in order to work for the good of something or someone else . When a mother only has enough food to feed her children , she is able to go through the sacrifice of giving up her own dinner to feed them . We have all had this experience , even if it normally presents itself in less dramatic ways .
We need to put time and energy into our personal lives in order to survive , in order to be alive to make sacrifices . A mother who only feeds her children and never eats herself , starves to death ... and then her children starve as well , unless someone else takes them in and also makes sacrifices for them .
Astrologers must have a professional practice in order to generate sufficient resources to be able to give to an astrological organization . Yes , the astrologer can have an alternate source of income , a different job , a working spouse , large savings or inheritance ; most astrology organizations run on the backs of people who are in this category .
But what about OPA , an organization for professional astrology ? It is important that we have astrologers working in the field who are capable , visionary , and generous enough to donate to the organization . This requires that we astrologers involved are successful enough , are self sustaining . From this we have been able to craft guidelines , ideas , and techniques for sharing with others in the field . Astrology as a whole has improved because of this .
Without successful astrologers , this organization would have no vitality . We may have ideas , but the ideas lack substance until they have been put to the test and they work . The backbone ( Saturn ) of any professional organization is the working professional who , on a daily basis , proves or disproves every idea and method that the organization espouses .
Blending of different yogic paths .
Astrology , as a path of knowledge or Gyana yoga ( Mercury ) helps us understand the relative value of our various desires . Deep introspection or meditation helps us go through a pattern of evaluation and develop a plan . But we still have to translate our ideas and ideals into action in order to make spiritual progress . In today ’ s world , the soul can emerge from the limitations of the personality only when our mind , feelings , and behavior all grow organically . This is analogous to how all parts of our body normally develop at the same pace .
Different parts of the personality are brought into play by different forms of yoga and all of them are important in the life of the spiritual aspirant . In Gyana yoga ( Mercury ) the mind is central focus , in Bhakti yoga ( Venus ) the heart is primarily functioning , and in Karma yoga ( Mars ) we have our behavior aimed at selfless service as the focus of our attention . And in order to keep developing in consciousness , all parts of the personality have to develop . 2
Through the years many of us have been driven to serve the needs of the professional astrology community through our dedication to OPA ; this is one useful expression of Karma yoga . But , just being driven by a sense of duty to do the right thing does not supply sufficient motivation to push us into service . In the final analysis , it is only love which can supply the motive power to lift us up to the level of service where we are able to put our own petty interests aside in order to express the attitude of the genuine bodhisattva ; when we do this we are on the way to really helping in the grander picture of raising consciousness on the planet . We start with our own organization ; it is through helping others that we are finally able to be lifted out of our own limited lives . As my Spiritual Master , Meher Baba has said , “ Real happiness lies in making others happy .”
1 Chapter 6 ) Tools for Self Development : Karma , Sanskaras , and Getting Results , from my book , “ Timing Spiritual Transformation ”. 2 Page 210 , Discourses , Meher Baba . Seventh edition , 1987 . Sheriar Press .