Anatomy of
Advertising has taught us that the fight against aging equals the fight against wrin-
kles. This is certainly not the case. But how does time affect our body in reality and
what can we do about it?
o you know that aging is actually only gifted to the synthesis of the new collagen decreases, resulting in the
civilization? Old age as a last cycle in life is expe- skin becoming less dense and elastic.
rienced only by humans and pets, which we take
All these internal processes lead to the appearance of a
care of. In nature, animals usually die with the arrival of the number of external signs of aging. However, most peop-
first signs of aging: some lose their teeth, and they cannot le only pay attention to some of them: the appearance of
get food, others have weak joints or broken limbs, and they wrinkles, grey hair and, perhaps, dry skin. And they focus
cannot hunt. Therefore, on Earth only people who have the all their efforts to fight them: they moisturize the skin with
privilege of using medicine are able to extend their age.
creams, smooth wrinkles and dye their hair, but not atten-
To understand the signs of aging and the processes that ding to other features of aging, which negate all attempts
occur in your body it is important not to waste money and to look younger. For example, with age, we gradually lose
time on useless agents and procedures that absolutely fail our eyebrows - the eyebrows gradually descend through the
you and to focus on things that will really help you to look brow and the face acquires a frowning expression. The cor-
as young as you feel.
ners of the eyes and lips are lowered, making the face look
Modern science divides aging into two
tired. Subcutaneous fat decreases with
types - photoaging and chronical aging.
age, therefore the cheeks lose their
The sun is responsible for photoaging,
elasticity and a nasolabial folds appe-
You may face signs of ar. Also the lower jaw line drops down
exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radi-
ation. It is manifested in hyperkeratosis
a second chin appears. The neck
photoaging even at the and
(thickening of outer layer of the skin), the
becomes flabbier. Speaking in general,
age of 20-25
appearance of pigment spots, dryness and
at a young age, the face resembles a
flabbiness of the skin. You may face signs
triangle, the top of which is directed
of photoaging even at the age of 20-25, if
downwards, and the bottom is up.
you are sunbathing or visit a solarium. The good news is With age, the situation is changing literally upside down.
that photoaging can be prevented. And if your skin has al- When we age the triangle gradually „turns“ and its top is
ready suffered from excessive exposure to sunlight, then, directed upwards and its bottom downwards. And this is an
fortunately, it is amenable to treatment. With the help of incomplete list of changes in the face and neck area!
various procedures (e.g. laser treatment) many of the signs
of photoaging are reversible.
Chronical aging is a genetically programmed aging pro-
cess of the whole organism, which begins about 25 years of
age. This is the so-called „true“ aging, which is impossible
to stop, as it is not difficult to guess. However, it is possible
to slow down some aging processes or to smooth out their
external signs.
How does this happen? From the age of 25, the rate of
renewal of skin cells slows down and the complexion gra-
dually dims. By the age of 30, the activity of the sebace-
ous glands is reduced and the skin becomes drier. This is
noticeable even in people with oily skin type. And even
with age, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid (responsible for
hydration) is reduced. That is why it is so commonly used
by cosmetologists and creators of anti-cancer cosmetics. In
addition, the old collagen fibres accumulate in the skin and
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