THE EFFECT OF MOBİLE LEARNİNG ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASİC BASKETBALL SKİLLS Aim: This study was conducted to determine whether the software developed by researchers for mobile devices with android operating system had an effect on the basic skills of basketball by using mobile learning (M- learning) method.
 Method: The research is an experimental study and pre-test post-test model with control and experiment group forms the model of the research. Data were collected from 48 students including 23 controls and 25 participants for experiment performed basic basketball skills training in Giresun University Sports Club. For the experiment group, "Basketball Basic Skills Mobile Application Software" developed by researchers with "MIT App Inventor program" was used. In addition, in order to measure the level of access to psycho-motor skills related to basketball basic movements, the data obtained by "Basketball Observation Forms" were transferred to electronic medium and analysed in SPSS 25.0 statistical package program. “Mann Whitney U” test was used for two group comparison and relations were determined by the “Spearman’s rank order correlation” analyses. Results: At the beginning, the fundamental skills of boys and girls are at the lowest level in terms of total skill score consisting of basic stance, ball holding, dribbling, pivot movement, passing and shooting. In males and females, the total skill score of the mobile + classical learning group was statistically higher 26.3% in boys and 30.55% in girls than the classical learning group (p<.01). The effect of mobile learning on girls is greater than that of boys. Conclusion: In both boys and girls, mobile + classical learning was more effective than classical learning group. Keywords: Basketball fundamental skills, mobile learning. GİRİŞ