Zenspiration Magazine January Issue | Page 43

 Practice mindful breathing for relaxation, healing, rejuvenation and radiance.  Dry Body Brush for five minutes every morning before jumping in the shower. Start from your feet and work your way up to your heart.  Take a bath at least twice a week to unleash your inner goddess – this is a bath full of oils, flowers and herbs.  Meditation is a daily must, even if it is only five minutes a day.  Give yourself a Holistic DIY Facial once a week. Use fresh vegetables and fruits.  Practice yoga daily for inner bliss, greet the morning with some simple Sun Salutation Poses.  Start your day off with your own personal mantra or affirmation.  Think only positive thoughts.  Practice gratitude daily, get a gratitude journal.  Practice random acts of kindness It only takes a few days detoxing and your skin will begin to glow due to the nourishment of the extra vitamins and the reduction of toxins, your spirit will shine as you feel full of hope and positivity and your body will be vibrant and light due to all the energy you now have thanks a little self -nurture and love. Remember if it is your first time detoxing, you should always get approval f r o m y o u r d o c t o r first. ZENSPIRATION.ORG 43