While I still adore the book, and still spend lazy Sundays re-reading my
favourite chapters, I now know I don’t need to search for my purpose and
happiness in other things, places or people.
I can find an ashram in my own kitchen as I prepare
h e a l t h y m e a l s t o n o u r i s h m y b o d y.
I can find my own wisdom if I sit long and quiet
enough to listen to my own heart.
I can find foods that make my soul sing through
healthy recipes that are made with super foods.
I can find love within my own heart, through my
yoga and meditation.
And most importantly I can find my authentic inner
truth through living a holistic life based on self love and nurture.
This is why I have created the “Eat, Pray, Love” detox, it’s a detox that will
nurture your mind and body. It’s a detox that is not meant to be followed
strictly; it’s just a simple guide.
Here are the commandments of the
detox that you should try and follow:
Eat: Love and honor your body through only eating foods that nourish you
and make you feel good inside and out.
Pray: 20 minutes of meditation and reflection every day. Write down 3
things that you are grateful for. Start the day with a grateful heart by
having a morning ritual.