Zenspiration Magazine January Issue | Page 34

dollar companies to buy into the latest food trends. And let’s be honest, they are just the current trend. I most definitely believe in supplements and superfoods, as there is a time and place for them all – but keep it realistic and affordable. Ask yourself: “Am I already getting this nutrient from the humble broccoli or carrot that I eat every other day?” And, if after reviewing your diet, you find you are lacking in vitamins, then by all means buy some supplements! Take a blood test to ensure all your vitamin levels are normal. Finding your own healing diet is a lifetime journey. As you explore all the different options out there, don't stress about it. Just go with the ride and learn, grow and evolve. No one diet or food principle is the secret to eternal health; it truly is different for everyone. There is not ONE diet that has fought cancer; there are MANY diets that have fought cancer. And the common link that ZENSPIRATION.ORG 34