Zenspiration Magazine January Issue | Page 33

Let me ask you some questions: 1. Are you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with trying to uncover the truth behind which foods and supplements are healthy and beneficial? 2. Are you confused by which diets provide you optimum health? You hear vegan is the way to go, yet yogurt has health benefits. You read how salmon is a superfood, but then your best friend tells you it’s full of mercury. You’re seriously about to crack as you get overloaded with all the information and “health washing.” You are left confused and find it hard to stick to anything because your mind is constantly changing. Sound familiar? 3. As you buy into all the superfoods, supplements and health crazes, can you not help but ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” I was once that girl that ate a high protein, low carb and low fat diet. I then dabbled in food combining, veganism, raw and pretty much every other food phenomena that hit the news. I also spent a fortune every month on supplements and so called superfoods like goji berries, Noni juice, fish oil, spirulina, chlorophyll – you name it – and I tried it. And then one day as I was taking my ten different supplements, sipping on my coconut water and planning my daily meal, I couldn’t help but ask myself, “Do I really need to be doing all of this?” Along with being ridiculously expensive and time consuming, it was making me a little mental. I would spend hours obsessing over what I would and would not eat, wasting important hours of the day in self-hatred because I caved in to a tub of yogurt on my newfound vegan diet. The answer that came to me was this: humans survived just fine thousands of years ago without all the multi-billion dollar health products. Like many other people, I had become seduced by savvy multi-million ZENSPIRATION.ORG 33