YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 37

James Sesay A model business Young entrepreneur James Sesay started his own business, Social Add, along with his friend Josh Oluwafemi. He is also a founding member of the mentoring group Project BISCEY. YouthPhoriaUK© had a chat with James about the motivation behind his entrepreneurial and community spirit.   “With the growth of social media, and particularly social networking, it dawned on us (me and Josh) that we could use the power of online communication to connect people with the products they are passionate about - in a more efficient way than existing methods. From this we came up with the idea for Social Add.   range of events and activities that centre around helping young people aged 11 to 16 in our local area of Southwark. I have always wanted to give back to my community and thought it would be good to bring together a number of role models in the area to help do so. I think it’s very important to have role models, as they can almost act as hope for individuals who are less fortunate than others. I myself grew up in Peckham and went through the phase of looking up to the older males around me. Those in particular who showed the most love to me were the ones I listened to and acted on their word. this was an important time where the subjects I chose mattered, I felt the whole year group were under-prepared for this. I was fortunate enough to do well in subjects that I liked in school, so ended up choosing these in college and this laid out the path I walk today although if I could do my college years all over again I would have taken it a bit more seriously. I did attend all the classes and pass with good grades but I don’t think I utilised my time outside the classroom well and if I did I may be a bit further than I am today but there’s still a lot of time ahead of me! Fortunately for me, although my area wasn’t the best of places, I managed to surround myself with older people who were doing things; this gradually became all that I saw so it became all that I knew.  For example my football managers, although they too were quite young they managed to do some really good stuff for the area, such as setting up the football team and getting the youth involved. They also made sure that we were all on track in school and acted as mentors even until today.  Our services provide businesses with an opportunity to create a presence on social network platforms, create a buzz for a new products & services and access potential customers. We do this through our primary service Social Net. We create status updates which advertise the business or product and feed this through Facebook or Twitter via our carefully selected individuals who have a large following. This stimulates conversation among followers generating huge exposure to potential customers. In addition to Social Add I am also a founding member of a mentoring group in Southwark called Project BISCEY – see Looking back at my school years I was pretty uncertain as to what I wanted to be when I grew older. I always enjoyed Maths and was advised to be an accountant by my dad, but after researching this line of work, I opted against it due to the plain focus on numbers. Project BISCEY is an organisation run by a group of 18 to 20 year olds and we run a It was a bit of a confusing time during the transition from school to college. Given that I’d like to see more recognition of those who are doing the right thing. They should be highlighted as examples to show people that crime isn’t the only way, that there are other options available. If I had an hour to do absolutely anything I would sit down and talk to JayZ and Obama about life. I think they are two brilliant men and to be able to share a conversation with them would be amazing. YouthPhoriaUK 37