YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 36

Cu ex nett hi a ltke e A u Co nh r Me ner than desig phicxperience lains. e a can b xp e g a gr Beinore about on, Alex eb – which o ti is m Chika’s love quali f ica to get a j the of faed ion an ne sh started from an eau d textileld of yo rly r leading her star erience t he age during seconto the wohs t exp r label Chika igou i ndary school, ht ture at d w a the of 16. nth t a C e age an ins vailable t to ge u s . x give InB ired by diffe are a sp rent coloy, s,le oles that str urA textures, cu Chika has dedica indu dr e lture d hersel showcasirs in the tethe vari f to her craft, whi s and expressions, a ng e co n, 10 yeive da sigllection at London Fashion ch has led her to to t Week 2013. Do creahave la pa you shou d doss ion for fashion? u ur y yo start o own label too... could e! ng challe a quite or the do in a foot get Maybe you elief great b s who ha n is a ma nown ek his Thrown out of university aftere’d rathyear, Dubem his 1st er b g losing ral J as h experience for a few includin se his natu became depressedrabout the C s, Carl - o elf. life was over. allenge a way to ugh. months thinking that his d onal ch in hims ers lau y perso he h s foun g manato read ,aboutao make oth However, during this time he started rs ag t omin of ye umour r overc well known Afteher a couplep how se ofgained oy to people, entrepreneurs and sen they h t r mo ing j and sha successhafter suffering setbacks and ‘failures’.living in love. to brfe and c arm ay t li y as a w This promoted him toomedhisionate abou one man g c start ss own business Usin very pa in his ‘Get Off The Bench’, an online e him platform to media motivate andCJ is e you’ll se ry soon... inspire young people to explore ve ayb M the benef its of entrepreneurship y show comed and create their own destiny. CJ 36 Dubem Menakawa YouthPhoriaUK