YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 35

Clean A Clean Blessing Did you have someone who set a good example for you when you were younger? If so, who were they and how did they influence you? “When I was young I used to be really quiet and didn’t ask for any advice. I had a lot of family and friends around me and I think I may have missed out on their guidance. But I managed to pick myself up and change my life by having passion, a good network and self-belief.“ How do you feel young people are currently portrayed in the media? What changes would you like to see? do what you love Blessing Maregere, from Leeds, started his first business at the age of 16 which was a contract cleaning company. After 3 months of trading, he was employing 6 cleaning staff and turning over £10,000 a month. His early success motivated him to launch ‘Bright Futures Enterprise’, a social enterprise with a mission to inspire and educate young people to become successful. Bright Futures Enterprise has worked with over 5000 young people through their events and mentoring programs. Whilst running the social enterprise, Blessing also runs ‘Estate Direct Leeds’, a 0% commission estate agent. We recently interviewed this young entrepreneur who is now 20, to find out what led him to be so successful and what he plans to do in the future. what is was about! So if I got asked I would say scientist, but when I was 16 my GCSE business studies course and the teacher inspired me and changed my future. It seems like you made a good decision to get into business. Who or what inspired you to do more and be more? “Richard Branson is an inspiration to me and I aspire to achieve what he has done and “I think young people are portrayed very negatively in the media. The media use words like ‘lazy’ and ‘crime’ which is wrong because the majority are not like this. We do have a minority of young people who are like this but they don’t represent all the young people in the country. I think it is important to showcase the positive stories of young people and show that there is something positive about us. We just need to be given a chance.” If you could do one thing all over again, what would it be and why? “If I knew then what I know right now, I would have started investing in my future way earlier, so I’d be able to retire at a young age but be able inspire other people to do the same.” “You need to do what you love and love what you do” also young people who are making a difference and running businesses inspire me” The term ‘Role Model’ is used so much nowadays; how important do you think it is to have people who can provide good examples to others? “It is important to have positive role models to inspire and educate other aspiring young people to achieve the same. I have so many Blessing, when you were at school, did you people I look up to and they inspire me to have a clear idea of what you wanted to keep going and achieve my dreams. So it is do when you were older or was it a bit of a important to have successful people in all confusing time for you? careers and industry to go back into “When I was young I wanted to be a schools and community to motivate scientist but I had no idea what it involved or the next generation” YouthPhoriaUK Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? “I would like to be travelling the world, passing on my knowledge and inspiring young people to be all that they can be and achieve their dreams.” And finally Blessing, what advice could you give to someone who wanted to follow in your footsteps? “I would say be passionate; you need to do what you love and love what you do. Definitely get yourself a mentor; find someone who has been through your journey who can guide you and support you. And lastly go out and meet and talk to new people; for you to be successful it’s not about what you know its about who you know.” 35