YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 38

Get Glowing... 7 Simple Steps to Healthy Happy Skin It’s never too early to start caring for your skin, and these seven simple steps are a good starting point: Drink Water - Drinking water clears all the toxins from your skin and prevents it from drying out. Take a water bottle with you to school/college/work. Resist the urge to drink fizzy drinks when you are thirsty. Instead, have a sip of water; not only does this help your skin it will improve your overall health. Drink the recommended 8-10 glasses per day and you are sure to see results. Eat Healthy - Eat a nutritious and balanced diet to provide enough vitamins such as vitamin A, E and vitamin C to nourish the skin. Your skin is a reflection of what’s going on inside, so it makes sense that healthy skin starts from within. That means lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and not overdosing on sugar, saturated fat and ‘fast’ food – leave those chicken and chips alone! Instead choose a diet which includes whole grains, fruits, green vegetables and lean meat. Exercise - Being active on a regular basis helps regulate hormones in young people. So dance, swim, walk, or run and you will surely see a difference in your skin and your overall health. Cleansing - Cleansing removes a build up of dust and pollution from the skin. Avoid using soap bars as they can contain detergents that can be harsh to young skin. Use a mild cleansing gel especially formulated for young skin and your skin type. Put cleanser on your finger tips and rub upwards in circular motions around your face, then rinse well with water and pat your face dry with a towel. Tone - Toning is very important as it closes the pores of the face after cleansing. It will leave your skin feeling refreshed, smooth, tight and springy. Always use a toner which is alcohol free. Moisturise - Moisturising is very important as it will keep your skin soft and smooth, use after you cleanse and tone as it locks in the essential moisture. R VwV?"???7GW&?6??rv????V?F?&VwV?FRF?R&???B6?&7V?F?????F?R6????Bv???v?fR??R?V?F???Bv??v??r6?????v?2W6R???7GW&?6W"v?F?7V?67&VV??????V??b5RF?&?FV7B??W"6???g&??F?R7V??B?2???'F?BF?6?V?6R?F??R?B???7GW&?6RF??V6???&???r?BF?&WVBF?R&?6W72&Vf?&R??Rv?F?&V@??W?f??F??r?W?f??F????V?2??&V??f??r??F?RFVB6???g&??F?R6????B?V?2??f?&?V?F??r?Wr6V??2?W?f??F??rv?F?67'V"??6RvVV?v????V????vWGF??r6?gB?7V'F?R?Bv??v??r6?????6???R?GW&?f6??67'V"f?"W?f??F??r??F?V??2??W&?6???rF?F?R6????Bw&VBf?"??6???G?W0?BF&?W7???2?b?G2?F&?W7????b'&?v?7Vv"?"F&?W7???2?bw&VV???v?W'B??""F&?W7???2?bvFW ?&?V?B????w&VF?V?G2F?vWF?W"V?F????R?fRF??6?FW?GW&R?vWB??W"f6R?B'V"vV?F???6?&7V?"??F???2??F???W"f6R?B?V6??f??BF?RW?R&V???WBF?R67'V"6?Bf?"???B&??6R?fbv?F?vFW"??b??R&R??FW&W7FVB??'W???r?GW&?6???6&R&?GV7G2?V6Rf?6?Bwwr?W&V?W??2?6??W&R?W??2v???&R'V????rv?&?6??2?G&????r?????7F?2F?W&?W2?B?GW&?6???6&R&?GV7G0???#C??b??Rv?V?B??RF?F?R'B?V6R6??F7BW2f?F?RvV'6?FR???????????????????'&??R?W??0???????????????W&V?W??2?6???