France, Bulgaria and Luxembourg. In the year 2003, in Wien, in the frame
of Interreg IIIC program, the Executive President and the Program
managers of the Foundation identified new European partners, NGOs
from Germany, Italy, Austria and Ireland. Presently, the Foundation is
enjoying a large number of transnational partnerships and the number is
constantly increasing. Some of the most important are Techniki
Ekpedeftiki, Kentro Epagelmatikis Katartisis SA, Greece, Association de
Développement des Pyrenees par la Formation (ADEPFO France).
Project: “European Parliament of the Youth”
Start date: 01.04.2013
Completion date: 31.03.2014
Through the events envisaged in the project we aimed to educate and raise
awareness about the importance of EU knowledge for the youngsters in
order to increase their involvement in the community and to help them to
become active citizens of the European Union. Decisions taken at
European level directly affect the daily life of young people and other
citizens and therefore it is very important that they are well informed in
order to know their rights and responsibilities as
European citizens. The future of Europe is represented
in the young generation so the EU values should be
well printed in their minds in order for them to realize
that F