seminars during 2013-2014 with themes related to the European
Parliament and the EU politics, policies and values. The participants were
over 750 young people aged 12-26 from the educational institutions of the
6 Counties in the Center Region. For the selection and informative
processes of the participants we appealed to the educational tutors and
professors which were directly involved in working with the youngsters.
2. To develop on-line tools as innovative instruments to inform the
Romanian citizens on information related to the European Union and the
European decision-making process while facilitating relevant information
with regard to the activities of the European Parliament and its policies
and politics in the context of the European elections of 2014.
3. To stimulate the competitive and participative spirit of 30 youngsters
from the 6 County residences in the Center Region through the
organization of a competition with the aim of informing the citizens in the
Center Region on the European Parliament’s activities, politics and
policies in the context of the European Elections of 2014, with the direct
involvement of the local communities in the Center Region in the
appointment of the winning team.
Activities developed through the project:
A1. Organization of Seminars on themes related to the European Union,
European Institutions and European Politics, Policies and Values in the 6
County Capitals from the Center Region of Romania.
A2. Organization of Public Cafés in the 6 County Capitals from the Center
Region of Romania.
A3. Organization of a Simulation of the European decision-making process
called “European Parliament in practice” in the 6 County Capitals from
the Center Region of Romania.
A.4. Organization of a Youth Competition called “What are the European
Elections? ” at the regional level (Center Region).
A5. Organization of a Study Visit to the European Institutions in Brussels.
Outreach and target group:
The activities envisaged in the project had a considerable impact at the
level of young people aged 12-25 in the Center Region. A total number of
750 youngsters were directly involved in the activities and became
information providers and opinion makers for other several thousand
young people in the Center Region of Romania.