PAEM ALBA FOUNDATION offers support to people who are looking for
a job, offers free assistance in guiding them towards active job offers and
with the support of EU funds organizes free professional qualification
courses in various fields for people living in rural and urban areas with
lower opportunities in finding a job. Young people are also among the
important beneficiaries’ of PAEM ALBA FOUNDATION’s actions. Over
the last 18 years, the Foundation has implemented a considerable number
of projects which involved the youth. Among them it is worth to mention
the projects which encouraged youth exchanges at European level, and the
projects aimed at supporting youth participation in civic and democratic
activities, but also the support offered for young people intending to start
up a business, etc. Moreover, PAEM ALBA FOUNDATION also has a
Department of Volunteers comprising 20 active volunteers which are
active in the activities of the Foundation.
In our actions we count on partnerships and common projects with
other NGOs, economic agents and associations from Alba Iulia and from
Europe in different fields such as the development of the local economy
through tourism (due to the great tourism potential), environmental
protection, and social support. We have a very good collaboration with our
local authorities and we recorded many successful projects with European
funds and we intend to increase the area of collaborations for our further
projects in order to raise the efficiency of our actions.
The FOUNDATION has the largest variety system for international
relationships in the NGO’s field in Romania. PAEM ALBA FOUNDATION
developed important projects in partnership with organizations from