Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution™ by JayKay Bak PDF EBook JayKay Bak Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution | Page 38
Not only how much you eat can impact your weight loss efforts but
also how you are eating plays a huge role in your ability to lose
weight. Are you aware of how you are eating?
Even the speed at which you eat can have an effect. Being aware of
how much you eat at a meal and being aware of every bite will
decrease the need to top up your plate.
How many times have you sat down to a meal and ate so fast you
wondered where the food went? Being aware how you are eating will
make the food last longer and seem like more. You will be less likely
to get extra portions and will be more satisfied on less.
Remember it takes at least 30 minutes for your brain to register that it
is full so give it time. I also mentioned earlier that sometimes we
mistake hunger for first, instead of eating more food try having a glass
of water instead.
Your Genetics And Your Metabolism
Your genetic makeup may have an effect on your metabolism but only
a minor one. Don’t think that because your predisposition to being
obese is a death sentence and that you can’t lose weight. You
absolutely can, there are several things that are within your power
that you can do so don’t think for a second that you are doomed by
your genetics because you are not. Because genetics only counts for a
small amount when it comes to your weight loss the tools you have at
your disposal lies within what you eat and how much you move.
How Much You Move
Let’s face it. If you want to lose weight exercise is an integral part of
the process. You simply cannot get around this fact because it is by
this process of exercise that you burn fat. It is the only way for your
body to shift the rolls of fat or the love handles that were deposited
over time.