Your Chamber- Annual Report Annual Report 2017 Build- WEB | Page 27
The Red Carpet Committee hosts weekly ribbon cuttings to recognize businesses
for their investment in the community with beautifi cation efforts. During 2016,
recipients of the Beautifi cation award include: A-One Weddings & Events, Alf’s
Pub & Package Liquor and MillerPromotions (featured in the photo).
Leadership Cheyenne
The purpose of Leadership Chey-
enne is to educate participants
about the community and help
them develop a desire and com-
mitment for life-long civic trust-
eeship. The Leadership Cheyenne
Classes are diverse and help
participants connect with a va-
riety of business professionals.
An intimate class size is selected
annually and the program is tui-
tion based and requires employer
support. The tuition is $650 for the
9-month program and graduates
are required to work on a beau-
tifi cation project for the greater
Cheyenne area through hosting
the Boo-tifi cation Ball during the
fall following the program. Appli-
cations are accepted during the
month of May. Contact the Greater
Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce
Director of Partner Services, Angi
Lund at (307) 638-3388 or email
[email protected] to
learn more.
Christine Kronz, Christine Kronz Photographer, LLC