Raddisson Cheyenne presented the Military Affairs Committee Ultimate Tailgate . This fall event is an excursion to a University of Wyoming Football game where service men and women can enjoy a great game with their loved ones . Anyone can register and attend this fun activity . Go Pokes !
Stephanie Joy Meisner-Maggard Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce
Community Action Programs & Opportunities
The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce believes in a vibrant community . The following committees are focused on programs and opportunities from community beautification and education to community recognition . These committees make living in the greater Cheyenne area special .
Christmas Parade
The Annual Christmas Parade is held the Saturday following Thanksgiving through the streets of downtown Cheyenne , beginning at 5:30 p . m . The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce is responsible for hosting and implementing this regional winter attraction , bringing thousands to the area . Community members are welcome to be a part of the planning
committee and day of festivities by contacting the Chamber at ( 307 ) 638-3388 . More information about the parade is available at cheyennechristmasparade . com .
Military Affairs Committee
The Military Affairs Committee ’ s ( MAC ) purpose is to maintain harmonious and productive relationships between the community and all military units in the area , through education and troop support . Annual dues begin at $ 100 . The committee proudly hosts monthly luncheons where all community members are welcome to learn more about important topics related to the Armed Forces . To learn more about the committee or about any events and / or activities provided by MAC please contact the Director of Partner Services , Angi Lund at ( 307 ) 638- 3388 or by email at angil @ cheyennechamber . org
Red Carpet
The Red Carpet Committee is comprised of business professionals who understand the importance of being a resource for others . When a new business invests in the Chamber of Commerce , this group educates them on the benefits and opportunities available . Additionally , they take their ambassador role seriously in connecting these businesses to others , and are the primary leaders for Chamber relation programs . They also plan and host weekly ribbon cuttings and receptions at local businesses to recognize additional investments in Cheyenne . Annual dues are $ 65 . This committee meets monthly ; location varies . To learn more contact the Director of Community Investment , Robin Mosley at ( 307 ) 638-3388 or by emailing robin @ cheyennechamber . org .