Your Chamber- Annual Report Annual Report 2017 Build- WEB | Page 25

2017 YOUR CHAMBER Marketing Committee The Marketing Committee is the standing committee that oversees the strategic communications and marketing plan to best serve the chamber and its business com- munity. The focus is to evaluate all elements of the Chamber’s mar- keting mix and implement best practices. To learn more about this committee contact the Great- er Cheyenne Chamber of Com- merce Director of Partner Services, Angi Lund at (307) 638-3388 or by email angil@cheyennecham- This is an invitation only committee. Partner Development Programs The philosophy of “we are only as good as our people,” is a true statement beyond that of just a workplace but a community as a whole. The Partner Development Programs identify talents, build Karen Isley, Security First Bank leaders, and develop synergy for representative and Roundtable growth. Business development Leader, [email protected] or and economic growth must be (307) 775-6535 for more informa- centered on the importance of tion. No additional fee required. people. They are the fabric of any BizLink community and therefore should be the primary focus for any long-term plans for a healthy busi- ness climate. Cheyenne Women’s Entrepreneur Roundtable Each BizLink group consists of non-competing industry partners who work together to provide sales leads, updates in industry news, and serve as a small busi- ness support group for business Enjoy a monthly opportunity to owners. Groups meet twice a gain professional development month at designated times and with likeminded business profes- locations. Annual dues are $64. sionals over the lunch hour. This is Contact a Chamber representa- a program through a partnership tive to learn more by calling (307) with the Greater Cheyenne Cham- 638-3388. ber of Commerce, Security First Bank, and the Wyoming Women’s Business Center. All are welcome to attend the monthly gathering. Learn more about the program and meeting times by contacting Cheyenne Professional Network The Cheyenne Professional Net- work is comprised of business pro- fessionals under the age of 40 who focus on community advancement efforts and enhancing overall workforce development. They provide networking opportunities and work to connect members with infl uential leaders throughout the community. This is an auxiliary group, is open to non-chamber partners. Applications are required and accepted all year. There is a $20 one time application fee and an $80 in annual dues. To ap- ply please contact the Program Morgan Martin Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Governor Matt Mead addressing the Rocky Mountain Future Leader Conference, a regional conference focused on professional development for young professionals planned by the and Events Coordinator, Morgan Martin, by calling (307) 638-3388 or by emailing morganm@chey- Cheyenne Professional Network. PAGE NUMBER - 25