Featured is a photo Historic Hynds Building in downtown Cheyenne in its current state , as well as a rendering of the proposed design . The Chamber has be an integral part of the revitalization effort for this 30 year vacant building . The Chamber ’ s Technical Committee has worked on evaluating the project in great detail to secure tax credits and other financing solutions to ensure the building is the home to businesses by 2018 .
Stephanie Joy Meisner-Maggard Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce
Economic Development Programs
The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce proudly provides Economic Development programs to identify new opportunities for business and retain existing business wealth . Knowing the pulse of the professional community and concentrating talent is the primary focus of these programs , as well as efforts in areas of greatest need for a premier economic environment .
Chamber Business Council
The Chamber Business Council is responsible for developing training , networking , and sales opportunities for small business partners of the Chamber with emphasis on small business owners and managers .
All Chamber Partners are encouraged to attend the monthly council meetings on the first Thursday at 7:45 a . m . in the Depot ’ s 2nd floor Board Room ( 121 W . 15th St .). No additional fee is required .
Health Care Communication
Improvements in health care leads to achieving economic growth and poverty reduction . Services provided by the local health care system are vital to a community ’ s quality of life and this committee works diligently to share this message . To learn more about this committee contact the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Director of Partner Relations , Jody McMullan at ( 307 ) 638-3388 or by email jodym @ cheyennechamber . org . No additional fee is required .
Technical Quick Action Team
A select group of professionals focus their time and ability on important economic development initiatives and projects for the greater Cheyenne area . This small group , comprised of business professionals , champions major economic catalysts through the various barriers of entry , and creatively approaches solutions for optimal results . To learn more about this committee contact the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Director of Partner Relations , Jody McMullan at ( 307 ) 638-3388 or by email , jodym @ cheyennechamber . org . This is an invitation only committee .