Your Chamber- Annual Report Annual Report 2017 Build- WEB | Page 23

2017 YOUR CHAMBER J.R. Reskovac, Wyoming Wran- gler’s Washington D.C. Consul- tant visits with local elected offi cials during his time in Cheyenne. Here he is discussing with Madam Mayor Marian Orr 2017 priorities. She is the 1st feamle to serve as Mayor for the City of Cheyenne. Jody McMullan Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce for growth. As the largest busi- ness organization in the State of Wyoming, the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce serves as the leading advocate for business issues, representing the interest of business to local, state, and federal governmental leaders. The Chamber is working to strengthen its voice and works closely with the elected offi cials and leaders to ensure the identifi ed interests of the business community are well represented in public policy deci- sions and efforts. Political Action Committees The Chamber provides opportu- nities for its Partners to meet with elected offi cials through events, public policy forums, and DC fl y- ins. Candidate forums and reverse Action & Advocacy Wyoming Wranglers The Action & Advocacy Commit- The Wyoming Wranglers program tee works diligently to identify serves as the ultimate political key issues regarding the business strength for the greater Cheyenne community, formulating plans area economy. Investments into to educate Chamber partners this program sustain a thriving on issues of political importance. economic base through contin- Through this committee, the ued monitoring of relevant topics business community’s local policy and issues. The group advocates agenda is developed. With pow- on a city, state, and national level erful infl uence and knowledge with a representative working on to advocate pro-business rules, Laramie County Business’ behalf regulations and policies, Action & in Washington D.C. The Wyoming Advocacy can address these mat- Wranglers enables the Greater ters on all levels of governmental Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce activity. This committee is open federal reach. Business represen- to the business community and tatives who invest in the Wranglers meets monthly on the fi rst Tues- have access to a monthly meeting day of the month at 11:46 a.m. in with the hired lobbyist, special the 2nd Floor Board Room of the issue forums, an annual D.C. Fly-in Cheyenne Depot (121 W. 15th St.). and other special invitation oppor- No additional fee is required. tunities throughout the year. endorsement surveys are devel- Wyoming Wranglers Levels: oped during each election cycle to $500- Supporter, $1,000- Wrangler Committee, $2,500- Wrangler Sponsor & $5,000- Wrangler Steering Committee ensure an informed Chamber and business community. PAGE NUMBER - 23