Your Chamber- Annual Report Annual Report 2017 Build- WEB | Page 28
Your Celebration
Christine Kronz, Christine Kronz Photographer, LLC
Past Person of the Year Award Recpients with 53rd Inductee, Maj Gen Luke Reiner.
Annually, the Greater Cheyenne Person of the Year recipient affecting more than 3,000 Army
Chamber of Commerce celebrates and was the host of the evening's and Air National Guard members
excellence by recognizing out- festivities. in Wyoming. He is also responsible
standing businesses and pro-
for the Wyoming Veterans' Affairs
fessionals in the Cheyenne area. 53rd Person of the Commission and the Oregon Trail
Finalists were recognized Friday Year Major General State Veterans' Cemetery.
evening, March 17th, 2017 during K. Luke Reiner the Annual Banquet & Bash pre- Major General K. sented by Blue Cross Blue Shield Luke Reiner was an- Sam Weinstein,
of Wyoming at Little America nounced as the 53rd TownSquare Title
Hotel & Resort. The event was also Person of the Year
Emerging Leader Award Winner
of Wyoming
sponsored by A-1 Weddings and during this year's Annual Banquet Nominees are high-
Events, ANB Bank, Blue Federal Awards & Bash presented by Blue ly ambitious young
Credit Union, Taco John's Interna- Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming. professionals who are
tional, Black Hills Energy, Capitol
instrumental in the
Roofi ng, Inc., McGee Hearne & Paiz, MG Luke Reiner is the Adjutant Cheyenne community, the Cham-
LLP, Bill's DJ Service, and many General for Wyoming. As such, ber and other community organi-
other Bronze Sponsors. he directs the Wyoming Military zations. Young professionals must
Department, located in Cheyenne. be 35 and under.
Nick Dodgson, Greater Cheyenne He is responsible for formulat-
Chamber of Commerce Board ing, developing and coordinating
Chairman announced this year's all policies, plans and programs