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1BChapter 2 – All About Candida Yeast Infection 24
Hormonal Imbalance
The friendly bacteria in the gut need a balance between estrogen and progesterone and an adequate amount of both for its support . When there is an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone due to birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy or even before your menstrual period , it can interfere with the intestinal flora , thus allowing Candida yeast infection to take control and multiply .
Conditions that trigger hormonal swings , such as puberty , pregnancy , menstruation , PMS and the use of oral contraceptives create a favorable environment for Candidiasis . Females are more susceptible than males because female hormone levels , due to several reasons , are constantly fluctuating . Sustained high levels of estrogen , for example , can compromise the immune system function . Candida overgrowth is also stimulated by the female hormone progesterone , which is at elevated levels during pregnancy .
This is one of the reasons why many women often experience vaginal yeast infection during pregnancy and menstruation . During this time , the body goes through many hormonal fluctuations accompanied by changes in the vaginal acidity ( pH levels ), which could both contribute to Candida overgrowth .
Copyright 2004- 2013 Linda Allen – Yeast Infection No More Page 24