Yeast Infection No More 12 Hour Cure PDF / eBook Free Download 12 Hour Natural Cure For Yeast Infection | Page 29

1BChapter 2 – All About Candida Yeast Infection 23 By the time you have cleansed your internal system, your detoxification process and your immune system will vastly improve, and your digestion will become enhanced. You will feel more energetic and healthier, and your body will be able to fight and kill Candida more effectively. Loss of Friendly Bacteria Our friendly probiotic bacteria that lives in the gastrointestinal tract help our body in many ways to combat dangerous viruses, yeasts, parasites and bacteria. They enhance the digestion process, break down toxins, sugar and fats, have powerful antibiotic properties and most importantly, in our case, they help to keep Candida under control. However, probiotic balance is affected by a number of factors including, stress, antibiotics, vermifuges, the contraceptive pill and steroids to name a few. When probiotic numbers decrease, the defense against Candida goes down, and Candida begins to grow out of control. Stress Stress invoked by either lack of sleep, emotional issues, anxiety or pressure in your daily routine has been scientifically proven to trigger yeast infection growth due to the following reasons: 1) Stress depresses your immune system since at the time of stress your body releases a hormone called cortisol, making your body defenseless against Candida. 2) Stress elevates blood sugar levels that feed Candida cells allowing it to overgrow. 3) Stress also changes our bacterial internal environment in the gut as it decreases the friendly bacteria and allows Candida to take over. Copyright 2004-2013 Linda Allen – Yeast Infection No More Page 23