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1BChapter 2 – All About Candida Yeast Infection
Weakened Immune System
When our immune system is weakened due to several factors such as
nutritional deficiency, high toxic buildup (heavy metals, chemicals, bacteria,
viruses, parasites), stress, lack of sleep or the use of pharmaceutical drugs
such as antibiotics and steroids, the body becomes vulnerable to virtually
every type of sickness and disease. In this state the body cannot defend itself
and cannot control the process of Candida overgrowth as it could if the
immune system was at its peak performance.
Candida yeast infection along with other skin infections such as acne, fatigue,
allergies, thrush and constant colds are all signs of a weakened immune
When the immune capabilities are compromised it allows the Candida to gain
a foothold within the body. Genetic weakness and the use of certain drugs
including steroids, birth control pills, antibiotics and cortisone, along with poor
nutrition, prolonged illness, stress, alcohol abuse, smoking, lack of sleep and
exercise, all contribute to the weakening of the immune response, creating a
domino effect; which aggravates the Candida infection.
Congested Toxins In The Bowels, Kidneys, Blood And Lymph
Our constant exposure to thousands of toxins on a daily basis through the
food that we eat, the air that we breathe, the drugs that we take and the poor
quality of our water supply all lead to toxic buildup in the blood, lymph, kidneys
and colon. This leads to short-term and long-term health conditions. Among
them is Candida overgrowth.
You can take thousands of herbs, supplements and over-the-counters to
combat your yeast infection, but without cleansing your internal system and
your digestive tract in particular, it will be like painting a rusty car, and you will
never get rid of Candida.
Copyright 2004-2013 Linda Allen – Yeast Infection No More
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