Yeast Infection No More 12 Hour Cure PDF / eBook Free Download 12 Hour Natural Cure For Yeast Infection | Page 27

1BChapter 2 – All About Candida Yeast Infection 21 Improper Acid-Alkaline Balance and the Lack and/or Imbalance of Digestive Enzymes and Hydrochloric Acid Produced by the Stomach and Pancreas In healthy individuals, the stomach and pancreas produce adequate amounts of digestive juices that are responsible for the breakdown of proteins, starches and fats. These juices also create an intestinal environment that hinders the ability of pathogenic organisms to reach the lower intestine. These gastric juices actually destroy the yeast cells. When the liver is weakened, mainly because of bad nutrition, the production of digestive enzymes and natural acids is also compromised. This allows more yeast and bad bacteria to enter the intestinal chamber, multiply and create havoc within your body. Over-acidity in the digestive system, usually due to a diet high in acidic foods, is another major factor. A state of over-acidity causes the blood to become sludgy and thick, creating the ideal environment for Candida overgrowth (more on the acid-alkaline balance later). Copyright 2004-2013 Linda Allen – Yeast Infection No More Page 21