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1BChapter 2 – All About Candida Yeast Infection 20
Having hormonal imbalance ( such as during menstruation ), taking antibiotics , prescription medications , steroids and birth control pills can also trigger an onset of yeast infection . Lifestyle factors such as stress , hygiene , sexual activity and even the clothes that you wear can aggravate an already compromised Candida condition .
With that said , let ’ s go into more detail about each of the primary and secondary factors that contribute to Candida yeast infection .
Poor Dietary Choices and Compromised Digestion
A diet high in refined carbohydrates , processed and toxic foods and low in fresh fruit and vegetables affects biochemical processes within the cells , worsens digestion and interferes with the natural toxic elimination process . Furthermore , it also feeds Candida , which thrives on refined carbohydrates such as sugar , white flour and white rice . Add nutritional deficiency to the equation , and Candida is provided with a constant supply of food , the ideal condition for its overgrowth .
Lack of nutrition is another factor . Our body needs to obtain about 40 essential vitamins , minerals and nutrients to enable the cells in our bodies to fully function and remain healthy . These nutrients mostly come from our diet since the body cannot produce them by itself . When we eat more processed foods and less foods with high nutritional value , the immune system declines and becomes less effective since nutrition is highly essential for healthy immune functioning . With a weakened defense system , we make it easier for Candida to multiply .
When our digestion is optimized , it helps in expulsion of yeasts and bacteria . When our digestion system is sluggish due to several factors discussed in later chapters , undigested food and rotten food particles that circle the blood stream and stored in the digestive tract will accelerate many disease symptoms , including Candida overgrowth .
Copyright 2004- 2013 Linda Allen – Yeast Infection No More Page 20