Yeast Infection No More 12 Hour Cure PDF / eBook Free Download 12 Hour Natural Cure For Yeast Infection | Page 25

1BChapter 2 – All About Candida Yeast Infection 19 out of control and manifests itself in a variety of the common yeast infection symptoms. Because every health problem is multidimensional, the solution must be multidimensional in order to eradicate the problem from the root. This is one of the reasons why science and conventional medicine fail in treating most Western inflictions. Instead of treating the body and health condition as one, as a whole, they tackle the manifestation of the condition or the infected parts (more on that later). Some of us are more genetically prone to disease than others, but that is not to say that if we have some tendency to develop a condition or a weakness of some sort, there is nothing we can do. Although we cannot change our genetic structure, we can tackle the other parts of the health condition puzzle. We can make a difference, reverse our diseases and regain our health and energy by making positive decisions to change our lifestyle, dietary choices and thoughts that lead to poor health, toxic buildup, weak immune system and Candida overgrowth, which promote the majority of all common illnesses. Then we can gain control over our health and inner terrain. The primary factors that lead to Candida yeast infection overgrowth are: • Poor Dietary Choices and Compromised Digestion • Improper Acid-Alkaline Balance and The Lack and/or Imbalance of Digestive Enzymes and Hydrochloric Acid Produced by the Stomach and Pancreas • Weakened Immune System • Accumulation of Toxins in the Digestive Tract • The Loss of Friendly Probiotic Bacteria. These 5 factors create the perfect environment for Candida to multiply and transform from yeast to fungal form, which can manifest among other symptoms in yeast infection. Copyright 2004-2013 Linda Allen – Yeast Infection No More Page 19