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1BChapter 2 – All About Candida Yeast Infection
Antibiotics, Prescription Drugs And Steroids
Antibiotics cause a great deal of damage and havoc to your system, in the
long run, that can be difficult to repair. By taking antibiotics you not only
eradicate the bacteria that caused the infection to occur, you also destroy the
friendly bacteria, practically putting your health in serious risk. You’re
exposing your body to the dangers of Candida overgrowth, parasite invasion,
B-12 deficiencies, nutrients that will not be absorbed, allergies and the overall
colon health breakdown.
Antibiotics, drugs and steroids change the environment of the gut and stress
the liver, one of the major detoxification organs, thus leading the way to yeast
infection overgrowth.
The problems with antibiotics is that even if you don’t take them orally, they
are found in most dairy and meat products, making your exposure to
antibiotics on a daily basis almost inevitable unless you decide to change your
Clothing, Hygiene Products And Moisture
Wearing tight clothes or synthetic fabrics will disallow the vagina or penis area
to breathe and make the area over-acidic, thus accelerating the yeast
overgrowth process.
Using famous brands of feminine hygiene products can also change the pH
level of the vaginal environment, allowing the overgrowth of yeast infection in
that area.
Walking, sitting or just staying inside wet clothing such as a bathing suit or
underwear can contribute to excess moisture in the penis or vaginal area,
triggering yeast infection.
Copyright 2004-2013 Linda Allen – Yeast Infection No More
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