Year In Review 2020-21 | Page 17

Inkerman farmer Gary Spotswood is trialing N-Drip .
“ It ’ s new knowledge , and it ’ s so good for us to have somebody like David Hardwick come and walk through our paddock , dig up the soil and give us advice ,” Mrs Pirrone said .
“ We learned more from him than at any other agronomy meeting I have attended .”
Grower Denis Pozzebon hosted a workshop at his farm in Airville . He said he thought he knew a lot about soil , but the workshop demonstrated there was much more to learn .
“ Soil is not just dirt and the more you look after the health of your soil , the better it becomes ,” Mr Pozzebon said .
“ I encourage all farmers to learn more about soil health — there is more to farming than sticking a seed in the ground .”
These workshops were organised by NQ Dry Tropics and funded through the Queensland Government ’ s Reef Water Quality Program as part of the Enhanced Extension Coordination Program .
Airville cane farmer Denis Pozzebon .
This year the NQ Dry Tropics Sugar Team continued trialing low-pressure drip irrigation system N-Drip , which allows farmers to irrigate more frequently , using smaller amounts of water .
When used on high infiltration soils , this irrigation method should reduce levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen from leaching into the water table and entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon . Adding fertiliser at the same time as water ( fertigation ) is another way of improving production efficiency and minimising environmental impacts .
Cane and horticulture grower Gary Spotswood has been trialing the system on paddocks of zucchini at his Inkerman farm . He said he had noticed significant reductions in energy consumption compared to his existing drip irrigation system .
“ I have saved two thirds on my pumping costs while delivering the same amount of water ,” Mr Spotswood said .
Sugarcane Team Leader Luke Malan said he had first come across the system during a trip to Mareeba , and Burdekin growers had shown an interest in undertaking trials .
“ Bringing innovative ideas to the region is an important part of our work , and helping to facilitate confidence trials is the best way to test out new technology ,” Mr Malan said .
“ The early signs are promising , and we plan to continue investigating N-Drip ’ s potential by rolling it out to additional sites .”
The N-Drip trials are funded through the partnership between the Australian Government ’ s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation .
2020 – 21 YEAR IN REVIEW 17