Year In Review 2020-21 | Page 16


In recent years there has been a groundswell of interest in soil health among Lower Burdekin cane growers — and NQ Dry Tropics met that demand by bringing two soil science experts to the paddock for a three-part workshop held at farms around Ayr .
Presenters David Hardwick and Simon Mattsson , from extension consultancy Soil Land Food , explained to a group of growers how healthy soil was critical to every farm business , and described some of the physical , chemical and biological aspects that infuenced soil condition .
Attendees learned how nutrients cycled through the soil to become available for plants to consume and grow , and eventually return to the soil when the plant died .
Other topics included different ways to test soil properties including aggregate strength , pH and water infiltration ; the critical role fungi and microorganisms play in improving soil health ; and the benefits of multi-species cover cropping .
NQ Dry Tropics Sugarcane Project Officer Michael Hobbs said the project was bringing together cane farmers who were trialing mixed species cover crops , and giving them access to expert advice .
“ These farmers are able to visit one another ’ s trial plots , discuss management options , and learn how
The group inspected trials of mixed species cover crops .
to increase the overall soil health benefits of these practices ,” Mr Hobbs said .
“ Better soil health and higher soil organic carbon levels are key to improved production and profitability and there ’ s no better way to learn the tricks of the trade than from other farmers .”
The group inspected a fallow paddock on Rhonda and Glenn Pirrone ’ s Ayr farm , noting the clearlyevident soil benefits derived from a short-term mixed species cover crop .
They discussed minimum-tillage strategies to prepare the paddock for planting , including using a mixture of molasses and prilled urea to accelerate the biological activity in the soil that would break down the remaining mulch .
Mr and Mrs Pirrone said the workshops had been invaluable .
Soil Health Check Workshop conducted at Glenn and Rhonda Pirrone ’ s Ayr farm . Pictured ( from left ) NQ Dry Tropics Soil Conservation Officer Bernie Claussen , grower Angelo Spina , Matt and Chris Horsfall , hosts Glenn and Rhonda Pirrone , growers Denis Pozzebon and Heath Salter and NQ Dry Tropics Project Officer Michael Hobbs with Soil , Land , Food representatives Simon Mattsson ( left ) and David Hardwick ( both kneeling ).