Year In Review 2020-21 | Page 15

The Burdekin Irrigation project , focusing on improving on-farm irrigation and energy efficiency , is taking a consortium-based delivery approach .
The consortium is coordinated by SRA and includes representatives from Farmacist , Burdekin Productivity Services ( BPS ), AgriTech Solutions , Burdekin Bowen Integrated Floodplain Management Advisory Committee ( BBIFMAC ), the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries , and James Cook University .
It brings a wide range of skills and expertise to the table , and will help strengthen links between the organisations that will last well beyond the life of the project .
SRA District Manager Terry Granshaw said consortium members had agreed to take a standardised approach to grower engagement that would maximise industry profitability .
“ All consortium members will support growers to progress along a nine-step pathway to improved irrigation efficiency ,” Mr Granshaw said .
“ This means growers will receive consistent , highquality advice and support no matter with which delivery partner they elect to work .”
Another project , led by Greening Australia , aims to complement on-farm practice improvements with a constructed wetland treatment program designed to capture sediment , nutrients and pesticides before they reach the reef . The project will restore and augment three existing drainage features to increase their treatment capacity to contribute to end-ofcatchment water quality improvement targets , as well as improve downstream wetland health and biodiversity .
Two additional projects headed by Farmacist will support farmers to incorporate practices to ensure nutrients and pesticides are applied efficiently to minimise runoff , while improving production and profitability . These include :
• applying precision agriculture techniques to improve efficiencies ;
• using data sourced from soil mapping and satellite yield-mapping software to guide decision making on-farm ; and
• developing nutrient management plans aimed at fine-tuning nitrogen and phosphorous application rates to best match spatially-defined crop yield potential management zones .
The Lower Burdekin Regional Water Quality Program is funded through the partnership between the Australian Government ’ s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation .
Kylie Stretton and NQ Dry Tropics Project Officer Caralea Hensler 2020 – 21