Year In Review 2020-21 | Page 14

Runoff from cane properties reduces the quality of water flowing to the Great Barrier Reef . High levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen ( DIN ) in water has been linked to outbreaks of crown of thorns starfish , and provides ideal conditions for weeds to thrive in rivers and wetlands — reducing habitat for native fish and migratory birds .
This year NQ Dry Tropics continued supporting Burdekin cane farmers to minimise water quality impacts and enhance profitability , through projects aimed at improving irrigation , nutrient and pesticide efficiency .


Local knowledge and industry collaboration is at the heart of a new four-year program aiming to reduce annual dissolved inorganic nitrogen ( DIN ) loads to the Great Barrier Reef by 48,000 kilograms and pesticides by 35 kilograms .
NQ Dry Tropics is overseeing the Lower Burdekin Regional Water Quality Program ( 2020-24 ), supporting farmers to improve irrigation , nutrient and pesticide management practices , and adopt new technologies , to improve the quality of water flowing off the paddock .
Sustainable Agriculture Program Manager Rob Hunt said his team worked closely with local industry partners to develop and design the wide-ranging program .
“ For more than a decade NQ Dry Tropics has partnered with the cane farming industry to implement practices benefiting the regions ’ bottom line and the environment ,” Mr Hunt said .
“ We were able to leverage these close relationships with extension providers and farmers to design a program of four individual projects , directly involving more than 150 cane farmers , that meets the needs of industry and investor .
“ Involving local partners in the design , planning and delivery of the program will help ensure maximum adoption , and lasting water quality benefits .”
As Program Manager and Partnership Coordinator , NQ Dry Tropics reports directly to funder the Great Barrier Reef Foundation , while also working closely with local delivery partners Sugar Research Australia ( SRA ), Greening Australia , and Farmacist .